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Small Heath Alliance

Новости за 18.04.2018

Re: Brian Blessed

Small Heath Alliance 

Worried this was a RIP thread.

"Gordon's alive ?? "

Well he did wear angel wings in Flash Gordon

Pretty sure he was a copper in Z Cars as well ....does he follow Everton ?

Boga? (25 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Have I missed anything about his absence Sunday? Injury?

Brian Blessed

Small Heath Alliance 

In fine form.....he's 818-)


Bob Hatton (11 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Just saw a pic on here. What a terrific player he was for us. I believe he still comes to watch games. How old now?.

Test match special (TMS) (2 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

A sad sad day rights lost to "talkshite" there are certain things in life that shouldn't be messed with,I can see a day when the ashes at home will be lost because of the bidding rights just imagine it sitting in the garden on a hot summers day listening to adverts in between balls talksport are awful at it..this country is going to the dogs..

P.s. did anyone see bt sports coverage of the last ashes? Shambolic.

Re: Test match special (TMS)

Small Heath Alliance 

WTF, I mean WTF
I did see this coming or even possible
A little piece of me has died

Nikola Zigic calls on Blues to summon their survival spirit (48 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Former favourite Nikola Zigic says Blues can secure their Championship status - once more.The Carling Cup winner and Wembley goalscorer was part of the last-gasp escape at Bolton Wanderers in 2014.And he says that Blues can also draw on the way they finished last season at a similar stage as this, w


Bob Hatton (10 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Just saw a pic on here. What a terrific player he was for us. I believe he still comes to watch games. How old now?.

Choice of beer (13 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Been working in Corby , little Scotland, and in the pub they had Tennant's on draught.

Now Tennant's extra in draft was a drink from the gods served in all m&b pubs ( and Tennant's super was a breakfast drink of superior quality ). It got me thinking about choice of lager's in pubs back in the eighties.

We came up with this choice in the pubs round our way and was wandering if it was generic.

M&B - Carling and Tennant's.

Ansell - Skol! Castlemain 4x, lowenbrau. Читать дальше...

Test match special (TMS)

Small Heath Alliance 

A sad sad day rights lost to "talkshite" there are certain things in life that shouldn't be messed with,I can see a day when the ashes at home will be lost because of the bidding rights just imagine it sitting in the garden on a hot summers day listening to adverts in between balls talksport are awful at it..this country is going to the dogs..

P.s. did anyone see bt sports coverage of the last ashes? Shambolic.

Nikola Zigic calls on Blues to summon their survival spirit (43 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Former favourite Nikola Zigic says Blues can secure their Championship status - once more.The Carling Cup winner and Wembley goalscorer was part of the last-gasp escape at Bolton Wanderers in 2014.And he says that Blues can also draw on the way they finished last season at a similar stage as this, w


Choice of beer (8 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Been working in Corby , little Scotland, and in the pub they had Tennant's on draught.

Now Tennant's extra in draft was a drink from the gods served in all m&b pubs ( and Tennant's super was a breakfast drink of superior quality ). It got me thinking about choice of lager's in pubs back in the eighties.

We came up with this choice in the pubs round our way and was wandering if it was generic.

M&B - Carling and Tennant's.

Ansell - Skol! Castlemain 4x, lowenbrau. Читать дальше...

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Bob Hatton (5 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Just saw a pic on here. What a terrific player he was for us. I believe he still comes to watch games. How old now?.

Re: Bob Hatton

Small Heath Alliance 

Best player to receive and hold ball. Not fast,not tall, but amazing football brain. My God we were lucky (us oldies) to see Latchford, Francis, Hatton. Doubt it will ever happen again.

question for all you townies (15 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

My mate in Perth popped up today and said another ex brummie asked him if he recalled a nightclub called Tressamaines (excuse spelling!) I said no not in my clubbing days but wondered if any of you hipsters knew of it, as clubs had a way of changing names but continuing to trade.
I drove up Edgbaston st the other day and my fave nightclub The Heart Beat wiped off the face of the earth, it was part of Ice rink, bowling alley complex!
Anyway, any one recall this? TRESSAMAINES!

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