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Новости за 31.08.2017

White House: Trump will donate $1 million to Harvey relief

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President Donald Trump is pledging $1 million in personal money to Harvey storm relief efforts. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders made the announcement at a briefing Thursday. She said Trump is calling on reporters to help decide which specific organization he should give to.

UN nuclear agency rejects Iran's stance on military sites

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The top U.N. official monitoring Iran's nuclear program on Thursday rejected Tehran's claim that its military sites were off-limits to inspection, saying his agency needs access to all "relevant locations" if suspicions arise of possible hidden atomic activities.

Woo woo! Chattanooga offers plenty of history, nature, art and fun to keep a family happy

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Growing up in St. Louis, we often drove the family truckster to Florida to visit relatives. And whenever we passed through Chattanooga, my dad belted out a few lines: "Pardon me boy ... is this the Chattanooga Choo Choo?" By the time he forgot the rest of the lyrics, Chattanooga was a glimpse in the rearview mirror. And, perhaps a few decades ago, nobody could fault us for it.

Guam's Mount Lamlam technically world's tallest mountain, though most of it is underwater

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No need for oxygen tanks and a trek to the Himalayas to climb what might be the tallest mountain in the world. Mount Lamlam on Guam — just 1,332 feet above sea level — is another 36,070 feet from the bottom of the Marianas Trench, roughly 200 miles below. By contrast, the peak of Mount Everest — if placed at the bottom of the trench — would still be 6,000 feet under water.

Movies on base through Sept. 6

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Times and dates for theaters in Belgium, England, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, The Netherlands and Spain and Turkey.

Debate over Confederate names includes Fort Hood in Texas

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In the wake of the deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, the argument over Confederate memorials has reached a fever pitch, and some Central Texas residents say that Fort Hood — one of the largest military posts in the world and a garrison named in honor of Confederate Gen. John Bell Hood — should be renamed.

US sends bombers, stealth jets over S. Korea as tensions rise

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Two U.S. supersonic bombers and four stealth jets soared over the Korean Peninsula on Thursday in a powerful display of military might after North Korea fired a missile over Japan and renewed a threat to target the waters near Guam.

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Персональные новости

Каршеринг BelkaCar и картографический сервис 2ГИС запустили серию совместных маршрутов

Mattis signs orders to deploy more forces to Afghanistan

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The bulk of the new forces ordered to deploy will bolster the U.S. mission to advise and assist Afghan security forces in their fight against the Taliban and other terrorist groups, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told reporters at the Pentagon.

Swiss court: Eritrean vets can be expelled if asylum fails

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A Swiss federal court has ruled that Eritrean asylum-seekers who completed military service in the East African country can legally be sent home if their asylum cases are rejected. The ruling could have sweeping implications for thousands of Eritreans who make up Switzerland's largest pool of asylum-seekers by nationality.

Minnesota has a new leader for the National Guard

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Maj. Gen. Jon Jensen has been Adj. Gen. Richard Nash’s chief of staff for the past six years, reports to him as the commanding general of the Guard’s 34th “Red Bull” Infantry Division and served with him in Bosnia and Iraq.

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