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Новости за 28.08.2017

With referendum approaching, Kurds wait for more US military aid

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A $22 million U.S. Defense Department fund that has helped pay the salaries of Kurdish Peshmerga fighters in northern Iraq is due to run dry in September, worsening a financial crunch as the government in Irbil struggles with billions of dollars in debt.

Texas National Guard, Coast Guard aid rescue efforts in Houston

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Texas Gov. Greg Abbott activated the entire Texas National Guard on Monday, bringing the number of deployed Guardsmen to 12,000 as floodwaters in the Houston area continue to rise and more people evacuate growing flood zones.

Navy base fire destroys urine samples, sailor investigated

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A sailor and roughly 900 destroyed urine samples are under investigation as an affidavit filed in a Virginia court says a large metal cage locker was "intentionally" set ablaze with gasoline at Naval Air Station Oceana the same day as a command-wide urinalysis.

Medal of Honor Hall opens at Beckley VA Medical Center

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Wooden painted plaques representing the Army, Navy and Air Force line the walls of the new Medal of Honor Hall at the Beckley VA Medical Center, along with the names of 13 Medal of Honor recipients from southern West Virginia and a U.S. flag.

After deal, ISIS allowed to leave Syria-Lebanon border area

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Islamic State militants and their families began leaving a border area between Lebanon and Syria on Monday as part of a negotiated deal to end the group's presence there, Lebanese and Syrian media reported.

Wounded Warrior group raises awareness with softball game in Utica, NY

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At first, Nick Clark felt a bit self-conscious about how he looked walking around in public with only one leg. Clark said he has since found more confidence while serving in a different uniform, wearing No. 13 for the Wounded Warrior Amputee Softball Team.

In search of closure: The effort to identify Hickam Field's 14 'unknowns'

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In a twist of fate and amid the confusion that was rushed upon Hawaii following the December 7, 1941 surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, 14 of Hickam’s 189 fatalities from that day were never officially identified and have never had a name on their gravestones.

With 'Patti Cake$,' Cathy Moriarty is still aiming for authenticity

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Cathy Moriarty owes her acting career to a bathing beauty contest. A photo posted at a Bronx nightclub where she had won the competition -- all in pursuit of a pair of black heels with an ankle strap -- caught the eye of Joe Pesci, who in 1978 was working on a movie about a boxer named Jake LaMotta. That photo led to months of auditions for the role of the fighter’s wife, Vickie.

‘21st-century school’ opens in Wiesbaden as students return to class

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Monday was the first day back to school for most students at U.S. military bases across Europe. In Wiesbaden, the occasion was marked by the opening of the Department of Defense’s first “21st-century school,” a $52 million facility intended to promote more collaborative learning via open, shared and flexible instructional spaces instead of the traditional shoebox design.

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Блогерша Алена Водонаева заявила, что ей нравится сын рэпера Джигана

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Шапки женские на Wildberries — скидки от 398 руб. (на новые оттенки)

Trump prepares to travel to Texas as state copes with Harvey

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President Donald Trump on Monday prepared to visit Texas to view the federal government's response to Harvey's devastating flooding as his administration vowed to help the millions of residents dealing with the catastrophic storm.

Trump is shedding all sorts of supporters

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It’s true that most of Trump’s most fervent supporters are still committed to him. But his less fervent supporters — let’s call them “soft Trump voters” — are drifting away.

India, China agree to pull back troops to resolve tense border dispute

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India and China have withdrawn troops from a disputed Himalayan region on the border with China, foreign ministries from the two countries announced Monday, defusing a tense standoff that had threatened to provoke armed conflict between the nuclear-armed Asian rivals.

White House sued by ACLU over ban on transgender servicemembers

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The lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union, filed Monday in federal court in Maryland, alleges Trump’s order violates the Equal Protection clause of the Constitution. An Aug. 25 White House memo gave Defense Secretary James Mattis six months to return to the previous policy barring transgender soldiers and immediately barred transgender-related expenses.

Trump rolling back limits on military gear for police

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President Donald Trump will revive a program that provides local police departments with surplus military equipment such as high-caliber weapons and grenade launchers, despite past concerns that armored vehicles and other gear were inflaming confrontations with protesters.

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