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Новости за 14.08.2017

A snapshot of Guam before US-North Korea conflict and now

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North Korea has announced a detailed plan to launch a salvo of ballistic missiles toward the U.S. Pacific territory of Guam, a major military hub and home to U.S. bombers. If carried out, it would be the North's most provocative missile launch to date. Here's a closer look at Guam and its role in the U.S. and North Korea's ongoing war of words.

Oklahoma Marine vet selected for 2017 Invictus Games

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A former Marine corporal who was medically discharged in 2011 after suffering from several injuries will fight through the pain in order to compete in the 2017 Invictus Games in Toronto, Ontario, at the end of September.

Iranian drone buzzes US aircraft carrier

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An Iranian drone harassed a Navy aircraft carrier and its jets Sunday night, in the second dangerous interaction between the two nations in less than a week, a Navy spokesman said.

Army turns over remains of 2 boys who died at Indian school

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Two boys who died while attending the government-run Carlisle Indian Industrial School in Pennsylvania about 135 years ago were returned to the Northern Arapaho tribe on Monday for reburial at their Wyoming reservation.

Artillery mishap killed two US soldiers in Iraq

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An artillery round meant to be fired at an Islamic State target in northern Iraq on Sunday exploded prematurely killing two American soldiers, defense officials said.

Simone Askew is first black woman to lead West Point cadets

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Simone Askew is making history as the first black woman to lead the Long Grey Line at the U.S. Military Academy. The 20-year-old international history major from Fairfax, Va., assumed duties Monday as first captain of the 4,400-member Corps of Cadets.

China tightens noose on North Korea but warns Trump over trade

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China moved to tighten economic pressure on North Korea on Monday by implementing a new package of U.N. sanctions, but simultaneously had a warning for the Trump administration: don't spoil our new-found unity by starting a trade war.

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'Out for blood': Man arrested in plan to bomb Oklahoma bank

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Federal officials arrested Jerry Drake in connection with a plot to detonate a vehicle bomb in an alley adjacent to BancFirst in downtown Oklahoma City. Varnell is charged with attempting to use explosives to destroy a building in interstate commerce.

Russian security agency says it foiled ISIS attack plot

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Russia's top domestic security agency said Monday it has thwarted suicide bombings in Moscow planned by Islamic State militants in Syria. Among them is a Russian national and an explosives expert.

Coast Guard rescues boaters who ran aground

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A Coast Guard team rescued two people from a 22-foot boat that ran aground off Kydaka Point, about 10 miles (16 kilometers) east of Neah Bay in Washington state.

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