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Новости за 23.08.2017

US Defense Department invests $17 million in laser technology

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The Defense Department is making another multimillion-dollar investment in high-energy lasers that have the potential to destroy enemy drones and mortars, disrupt communication systems and provide military forces with other portable, less costly options on the battlefield.

In Reno, Trump signs bill to overhaul VA appeals process

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Under a bill President Donald Trump signed Wednesday, veterans will have more options to appeal denied claims for Department of Veterans Affairs benefits – a process that now leaves veterans waiting an average of five years.

Russian official says US and Russia aren't in new Cold War

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Russia and the U.S. aren't in a new Cold War despite spiraling tensions, a senior Russian diplomat said in remarks released Wednesday. He did say the two countries need to refresh their agreements on preventing incidents at sea and in the air.

Iraqis cite progress in driving ISIS from Tal Afar

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British Maj. Gen. Rupert Jones, the coalition's deputy commander, said Iraqi forces are off to a "really positive start" and are "closing the noose" around the militants.

Festivals & events, September, 2017

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Temperatures should begin to cool from this scorcher of a summer, but the things-to-do list remains hot. Here's a sampling of what's on in Europe.

5 missing sailors identified as search continues for McCain survivors

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The Navy has not released the names of the 10 missing USS John S. McCain sailors, but five among the missing have been identified by their families. The search continues aboard the ship and at sea, but already a number of bodies have been found.

Movies on base through Aug. 30

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Times and dates for theaters in Belgium, England, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, The Netherlands and Spain and Turkey.

Fort Carson soldier killed in training accident

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Fort Carson launched an investigation into the cause of the fatal accident which occurred during a training exercise early Wednesday morning on the Colorado post.

US commander visits Yemen border for firsthand look at war

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Gen. Joseph Votel, the top U.S. commander for the Middle East, got a first-hand look at Saudi Arabia's military fight against Yemen's rebels, visiting the border area on the same day the Saudi-led coalition was accused of bombing a hotel and killing civilians.

Музыкальные новости

Вывод Песни, Альбома, Клипа в ТОП Музыкальных Чартов – iTunes, Apple Music, Youtube Music, Яндекс.Музыка, ВК и Boom, Spotify.

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Антонио Вивальди

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US envoy briefs Pakistan army chief on Trump's Afghan plans

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The U.S. ambassador to Pakistan met with that country's army chief on Wednesday, two days after President Donald Trump warned Pakistan to stop harboring insurgents who are battling U.S. forces in Afghanistan.

Mississippi shipyard to fix USS Fitzgerald hit in June collision

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The USS Fitzgerald, damaged in a June 17 collision with a container ship, will be transported to Ingalls Shipbuilding in Pascagoula. The Navy says it will hire a ship to carry the Fitzgerald from Yokosuka, Japan, where it's currently dry-docked.

Navy rescues pilot ejected from jet off San Diego coast

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The Navy says a civilian contractor ejected from a Hawker Hunter Tuesday afternoon about 100 miles off the coast of Point Loma. The pilot was picked up by a helicopter from the USS Theodore Roosevelt.

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