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Новости за 08.08.2017

Rocket fired from Gaza hits southern Israel

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The Israeli military says a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip struck an open area outside the coastal city of Ashkelon, causing no injuries or damage.

Navy extends USS Nimitz stay in Persian Gulf

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The Navy informed families Saturday that the USS Nimitz, which was involved in a second incident with Iran on Tuesday, will extend its stay in the Persian Gulf.

DOD personnel warned against travel to Russia

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U.S. servicemembers and their families are being subjected to heightened “scrutiny and harassment” while traveling to Russia, prompting officials to urge the U.S. military community to avoid unofficial visits to the country.

Trump warns North Korea of 'fire and fury'

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Trump's stern words to the camera at his golf course in New Jersey, sought to match the gravity of North Korea's newfound ability to wed its nuclear warhead with its missiles, including those that may be able to hit the American mainland.

Marines eye plan to put women in West Coast combat training

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The Marine Corps is eyeing a plan to let women attend what has been male-only combat training in Southern California, as officials work to quash recurring problems with sexism and other bad behavior among Marines, according to Marine Corps officials.

Navy assistant coach retires from Marine Corps

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Navy assistant coach Robert Green, who began an on-field coaching role in 2015 while still on active duty as a Marine Corps officer, has retired from the Marine Corps after two decades of service.

Coast Guard football prepares for a new season, conference

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The Bears finished 3-7 overall last season, 2-5 in their final year in the NEFC. This season, despite the return of 14 starters — seven on each side of the ball — brings a great deal of change, including a new conference.

Woman pleads guilty to helping her Army boyfriend kill wife

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A woman has pleaded guilty to helping her boyfriend kill his wife. Prosecutors said she gave him a gun and her car, stayed in his apartment to establish an alibi, and then disposed of the weapon after the deed was done.

New Navy device helps dogs smell explosives better

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A new device developed by the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory exposes dogs to the mixed odors in an explosive, so what they’re exposed to during training better mimics a homemade bomb.

Do Americans actually care about the Qatar crisis? Poll presents a mixed picture.

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Groups linked to Qatar or the bloc that opposes it have taken out advertisements on the Internet and on television — even on the backs of trucks — to hammer home their messages to Americans, and a poll released this weekend suggests that at least some of the accusations against Qatar may have stuck.

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Air Force pressing Northrop over damaged radar, extra fees

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The U.S. Air Force is actively pursuing the recovery of funds from Northrop Grumman Corp. in a dispute over upkeep of its Joint STARS surveillance aircraft, including damage to a radar during maintenance, according to a service spokesman.

Iran president's Cabinet cuts Guard from defense ministry

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After decisively winning re-election almost three months ago, Iran's president on Tuesday proposed a new Cabinet for his second term that cuts out the hard-line Revolutionary Guard from controlling the Defense Ministry for the first time in nearly 25 years.

Спорт в России и мире

В Московской области прошел чемпионат Центрального округа Росгвардии по стрельбе из боевого ручного стрелкового оружия


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