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Новости за 09.08.2017

President Trump's threat fits with North Korea's image of US

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Not since George W. Bush labeled North Korea part of an "axis of evil" has the nation had such a strong piece of presidential evidence to back up its argument that only nuclear and missile development can counter "hostile" U.S. policies.

Why US hasn’t brought the ‘fire and fury’

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As the world ponders the meaning of President Donald Trump’s threat of “fire and fury” on North Korea, it’s worth asking why his predecessors never took those steps to stop its nuclear program.

US Air Force test flights focus on off-the-shelf options

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Test flights for the experiment known as the OA-X initiative are being conducted at Holloman Air Force Base. The scenarios are designed to emulate combat missions and other flights such as search and rescue and reconnaissance.

Up to 50 migrants 'deliberately drowned' off Yemen, UN says

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Up to 50 migrants from Somalia and Ethiopia were "deliberately drowned" when a smuggler forced them into the sea off Yemen's coast, the U.N. migration agency said Wednesday, calling the incident "shocking and inhumane."

Movies on base through Aug. 16

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Times and dates for theaters in Belgium, England, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, The Netherlands and Spain and Turkey.

Man ambushes French soldiers in car attack, later arrested

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A man rammed his car into a group of soldiers near Paris, injuring six of them, and then was cornered by police in a highway manhunt — the latest in what's become a disturbingly familiar pattern of attacks targeting French security forces.

Man arrested in search for driver who hit French soldiers

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A man rammed his car into a group of soldiers near Paris, injuring six of them, and then was cornered by police in a highway manhunt — the latest in what's become a disturbingly familiar pattern of attacks targeting French security forces.

Trump tough talk on North Korea seen in 1999 TV interview

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In a conversation with the late Tim Russert on NBC's "Meet the Press," Donald Trump said that, as president, he would "negotiate like crazy" with North Korea, but added "if that negotiation doesn't work, you better solve the problem now than solve it later."

VA forced to rehire fired director of DC hospital

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The Department of Veterans Affairs was forced to take back the director of the Washington VA Medical Center who was fired after VA officials discovered the hospital was putting patients at risk.

Mattis warns North Korea that military action would lead to its destruction

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Defense Secretary Jim Mattis warned North Korea on Wednesday against forcing the United States to use its military power to destroy them. North Korea “should cease any consideration of actions that would lead to the end of its regime and the destruction of its people,” Mattis said.

Back road to hope: Migrants flood Canada at remote outpost

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Seven days a week, 24 hours a day, migrants who came to the U.S. from across the globe arrive here where Roxham Road dead-ends so they can walk into Canada, hoping its policies will give them the security they believe the political climate in the United States does not.

UN for first time links conflict to famine in 4 countries

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The council said in a presidential statement Wednesday that it "deplores" that some unnamed parties have blocked vital food and humanitarian aid getting to people in Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan and northeast Nigeria.

Marines: Ospreys in Japan safe to fly following deadly crash

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The Marine Corps has deemed its Japan-based MV-22 Ospreys safe to fly despite the Japanese government’s request to ground the fleet of tilt-rotor aircraft after a deadly crash off the coast of Australia, a top general said Wednesday.

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Pentagon: British firm billed US $50M for questionable expenses

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A British company hired to help train Afghan intelligence officers billed the U.S. government for more than $50 million in questionable expenses that included luxury cars and exorbitant salaries paid to the "significant others" of the company's top executives, according to a Pentagon audit.

Guam's residents feel US patriotism but growing concern

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Residents of the tiny Pacific island of Guam say they're afraid of being caught in the middle of escalating tensions between the U.S. and North Korea after Pyongyang announced it was examining plans for attacking the strategically important U.S. territory.

More Marines headed to Afghanistan to bolster Helmand province

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The United States will send fewer than 100 additional Marines to Afghanistan to bolster the Marine Corps-led mission to train Afghan soldiers and policemen in volatile Helmand province, U.S. defense officials said Wednesday.

Pentagon's Silicon Valley unit tweaks software to hit terrorists

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U.S. pilots flying combat sorties against Islamic State and al-Qaida offshoots may soon be directed to hit "pop-up" targets — such as fleeing vehicles, ambushes and attempts to plant roadside bombs — through streamlined planning tools crafted in Silicon Valley.

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