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Новости за 10.08.2017

Trump suggests Senate GOP leader must deliver or step aside

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President Donald Trump escalated a stunning feud against his top Senate partner Thursday, suggesting Majority Leader Mitch McConnell might have to think about stepping aside if he doesn't deliver on the president's agenda of health care, taxes and infrastructure.

Trump to declare opioid crisis a 'national emergency'

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An initial report from drug commission convened by President Trump and led by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie noted that the approximately 142 deaths each day from drug overdoses mean the death toll is "equal to September 11th every three weeks."

Army hoping to build on breakthrough season

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Army is coming off a rare winning season that was capped by something even rarer — a victory over archrival Navy. That hadn't happened since 2001, and the Black Knights punctuated it with an overtime bowl victory over North Texas to finish 8-5. For Army coach Jeff Monken, the sky's the limit.

This is what a day with the Afghan air force looks like

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The U.S. started to seriously put together the Afghan air force in the past three years, just as the main contingent of NATO troops in the country was leaving. Now, the fledgling group of pilots and planes is one of the key programs the Pentagon wants to invest in as it considers sending more troops.

The fight to derail senators' military compensation squeeze

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The Congressional Budget Office, in estimating the impact of key provisions in House and Senate defense authorization bills for fiscal 2018, also spotlights the higher out-of-pocket costs that military folks would face if various Senate-devised personnel initiatives survive negotiations with the House to shape a final bill.

Trump doubles down on ‘fire and fury’ vow as war games near

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President Donald Trump issued a new threat to North Korea on Thursday, demanding that Kim Jong Un's government "get their act together" or face extraordinary trouble. He said his previous "fire and fury" warning to Pyongyang might have been too mild.

Trump doubles down on 'fire and fury' vow as wargames near

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President Donald Trump issued a new threat to North Korea on Thursday, demanding that Kim Jong Un's government "get their act together" or face extraordinary trouble. He said his previous "fire and fury" warning to Pyongyang might have been too mild.

Canadian diplomat in Cuba also suffered hearing loss

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The Canadian government said Thursday that at least one Canadian diplomat in Cuba also has been treated for hearing loss following disclosures that a group of American diplomats in Havana suffered severe hearing loss that U.S. officials believe was caused by an advanced sonic device.

Kenya election dispute intensifies with conflicting claims

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A dispute over Kenya's presidential election intensified Thursday when supporters of opposition leader Raila Odinga said an unofficial tally showed that he won — a claim that conflicted with a provisional official result that put incumbent Uhuru Kenyatta in the lead.

US airstrikes in Somalia; high-level al-Shabab leader killed

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Somalia's president says a joint operation with the U.S. military against al-Shabab extremists in Somalia killed a high-level leader of the group. A U.S. statement says the airstrikes were carried out Thursday in southern Somalia.

Hostages freed by al-Qaida make first public appearances

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Two men released from al-Qaida captivity after six years in northern Mali made their first public appearances Thursday, recounting their ordeals and saying they were not clear whether any ransom was paid for their freedom.

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В Москве завершился Кубок России по спортивному программированию

McCain proposes new Afghan strategy, seeks vote this fall

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Sen. John McCain of Arizona is proposing a new "strategy for success" in Afghanistan. His amendment to the bill calls for a "long-term, open-ended" U.S.-Afghanistan partnership that includes an "enduring U.S. counterterrorism presence."

Suspected WWII-era bomb dug up near Fukushima nuke plant

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A suspected World War II-era bomb was found Thursday during construction work near the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant.The area was home to a former military airport that was targeted by aerial bombardment in World War II.

Jeannette Walls’ life is now a major motion picture

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Author Jeannette Walls already scraped away at the dark truths, joy and hardship of her eccentric upbringing to write her memoir “The Glass Castle.” Now she’s living it all over again, but this time as an audience to her own life as her memories and words are acted out in a big screen adaptation of her book starring Brie Larson as herself and Woody Harrelson as her father. It hits theaters Friday.

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