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Новости за 29.08.2017

Coast Guard veteran's murder trial underway

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The selection process got underway Monday for jurors who will decide the fate of Adrian Loya, the Virginia man charged in an elaborately staged attack in Bourne that left a fellow Coast Guard petty officer dead and her wife and a responding police officer seriously injured.

PACOM chief Adm. Harry Harris reportedly under consideration for Australia envoy

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The Trump White House is considering naming America's top military commander in the Asia-Pacific region to be ambassador to Australia, a key diplomatic post in a time of high regional tension. The move would reassure a key ally and strengthen the administration's Asia team, which remains full of vacancies.

Residents in photo of flooded nursing home are 'doing fine'

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The National Guard rescued 20 people Sunday, about three hours after a harrowing photo of the living room of the La Vita Bella facility was posted on Twitter. The photo shows at least six senior citizens waist-deep in murky water, at least one sitting on a rolling walker, in a room with a popcorn machine, a cat and some bottles of water on a table.

Ferry jumper will be fined $2,500

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The U.S. Coast Guard says it's issuing a notice of violation to a person who jumped off of a Casco Bay Lines ferry in the Fore River last month.

US urges Sudan to protect religious minorities

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After he met with Christian leaders and attorneys, the Trump administration's head of humanitarian aid on Tuesday urged Sudan's government to improve protections for religious minorities and human rights.

Afghan officials said to talk nearly every day with Taliban

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Despite seemingly stalled peace talks between Afghanistan's government and the Taliban, officials say the intelligence chief speaks by telephone with militant leaders nearly every day about the country's constitution and political future.

Trump arrives in Texas to get briefed on Harvey recovery

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President Donald Trump touched down in storm-ravaged Texas on Tuesday, taking pains not to interfere with Harvey recovery efforts. "This was of epic proportion," the president declared as he met with local officials.

Golf marathon raises money for scholarships

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Participants will attempt to play 100 holes of golf on Sept. 3 in Shallotte, N.C. They are accepting donations for the Folds of Honor Foundation, which awards scholarships to the spouses and children of servicemembers killed or injured during military service.

Trump's new Afghanistan policy has Pakistan angry and alarmed

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A wave of anti-American anger swept Pakistan this past week, triggered by President Trump's threat to punish the country for harboring insurgents and by his invitation to India, Pakistan's longtime rival, to become more involved in Afghanistan's future.

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Retired Army colonel charged in Haitian bribery scheme

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Federal prosecutors have charged a retired U.S. Army colonel with conspiring to bribe Haitian government officials in connection with an $84 million port development project in the impoverished island nation.

North Carolina National Guard rescue teams head to Texas

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Eight soldiers and six civilian rescue technicians were en route to San Antonio in two UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters on Monday. The team helped with search and rescue operations during Hurricane Matthew in North Carolina last year.

New cloth for Army uniforms offers cold comfort

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A revolutionary new cloth that uses nanotechnology to generate heat could end the days when soldiers deployed to Arctic environs are forced to walk around looking like 2-ton Stay Puft marshmallow men.

Air Force vet deemed mentally incompetent in recruiting office bombing

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A former senior airman suspected of setting off a pipe bomb outside an Air Force recruiting office in Oklahoma has been declared mentally incompetent for trial on federal charges. Court records describe the suspect as a disgruntled U.S. veteran who "hated the military."

Military dogs are becoming an increasingly precious resource

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When all is said and done, a fully trained military dog costs about as much as a small missile. So, out of necessity, the Department of Defense is buying up lifelike canine mannequins to better train medics who care for furry soldiers when they fall.

Is North Korea winning deterrence war with US?

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Conventional wisdom says that if North Korea were ever to use its nuclear weapons, it would be an act of suicide. But brace yourself for what deterrence experts call the "theory of victory."

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