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Новости за 04.08.2017

Deondrae Williams commits to Navy

Stars and Stripes 

Defensive lineman Deondrae Williams committed to Navy on July 27. A two-star recruit according to Rivals, Williams also had offers from Troy, Richmond and The Citadel.

Diplomat: $1 billion in N. Korean exports would be banned by UN

Stars and Stripes 

A proposed new U.N. sanctions resolution would ban North Korea from exporting coal, iron, lead and seafood worth a total of about $1 billion, a major cut to its export earnings, which totaled only $3 billion last year, a Security Council diplomat said Friday.

Sessions vows crackdown on leaks of classified information

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Attorney General Jeff Sessions pledged on Friday to rein in government leaks that he said undermine American security, taking an aggressive public stand after being called weak on the matter by President Donald Trump.

'Pharma Bro' Shkreli is convicted at securities fraud trial

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Martin Shkreli, the former pharmaceutical CEO notorious for a price-gouging scandal and for his snide "Pharma Bro" persona on social media, was convicted Friday on federal charges he deceived investors in a pair of failed hedge funds.

NCIS increases reward for information on bomb threats

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The Naval Criminal Investigative Service has increased a reward from $500 to $2,500 for information leading to the arrest of those involved in a spate of bomb threats called in to Navy bases in Hampton Roads earlier this week.

UN report details Congo carnage, warns of 'ethnic cleansing'

Stars and Stripes 

U.N. human rights investigators warned Friday of ethnic cleansing in central Congo, documenting the recent killings of more than 250 people, including 62 children, in violence with "no good guys and bad guys."

At least 2 killed in car bomb blast in Somalia's capital

Stars and Stripes 

At least two people were killed in an apparent car bomb blast in Somalia's capital Friday evening, just hours after the U.S. military confirmed that a recent airstrike had killed a high-level al-Shabab militant commander.

Bronze Star recipient's heroic feats memorialized in bronze

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WWII veteran Thomas Nicholson didn't talk about the time he made repeated trips under enemy fire to repair the communications line between his forward observation post and his unit's mortar position. He didn't talk about how his division helped liberate thousands of emaciated prisoners at Dachau. But Nicholson's grandson, Dave Roberts, believes these actions need to be memorialized.

Музыкальные новости

Младшая дочь Оксаны Самойловой и Джигана пошутила, что их сын приемный — как отреагировала звездная мама: «Чисто классика»

Персональные новости

Заместитель генерального директора сети клиник «Евроонко» выступил на конференции онкологов в Белгороде

Senate approves Global War on Terrorism memorial in DC

Stars and Stripes 

The Senate on Thursday cleared the way for a Global War on Terrorism memorial in Washington – unanimously passing the first bill in recent history approving a national war memorial before the fighting is over.

VA whistleblower gets job in Trump’s new accountability office

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Two years ago, Brandon Coleman was placed on paid leave from his job with the Department of Veterans Affairs as an addiction therapist after he reported poor care for mental-health patients at the Phoenix VA hospital — the epicenter of the agency’s wait-time scandal.

Спорт в России и мире

Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»


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