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Новости за 05.08.2017

Search called off for 3 US Marines who crashed off Australia

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U.S. military officials called off a search and rescue operation on Sunday for three U.S. Marines who were missing after their Osprey aircraft crashed into the sea off the east coast of Australia while trying to land.

UN imposes tough new sanctions on North Korea

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The U.N. Security Council unanimously approved tough new sanctions on North Korea on Saturday including a ban on exports worth over $1 billion — a huge bite in its total exports, valued at $3 billion last year.

Retired Army colonel from Calif. receives 3rd Bronze Star

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Retired U.S. Army Lt. Col. Martin Spann is a decorated veteran, having been awarded two Bronze Stars for meritorious service and a Purple Heart for wounds while deployed to Iraq in 2004-2005 and 2008. On Friday, the Simi Valley resident became even more decorated.

The Mission Continues – without Greitens

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He had a stellar military career in the Navy. He co-founded a national charity to provide leadership opportunities for veterans. He is a political outsider with an Ivy League pedigree taking on career politicians. Sound familiar, Missouri?

Calif. community awaits return of Marine killed by lightning

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The remains of Marine Cpl. Skyler James of Petaluma, Calif., were to be returned home Saturday from North Carolina, where the aviation mechanic was killed by a lightning strike last month while he worked on a tilt-rotor Osprey aircraft.

Turkey warns new military moves in Syria imminent

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Turkey's president reiterated Saturday that new cross-border operations into Syria are in the works as the country boosts its military presence along the border against threats from Kurdish militants in war-torn Syria.

Marine general Clardy gets 3rd star

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Lt. Gen. H. Stacy Clardy III said his new position will transfer him from being the J8 deputy director for force management, application and support on the Joint Staff, to the office staff for Defense Secretary retired Marine Gen. James Mattis.

They 'lived and died as warriors:' Army mourns Fort Bragg paratroopers' deaths

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Sgt. Jonathon Michael Hunter and Spc. Christopher Michael Harris were each on their first deployments when they died Wednesday in Afghanistan after a bomb hit their convoy. Vice President Mike Pence was at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware on Friday when their remains returned to the United States.

A divide over US Afghan strategy

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The debate over Afghanistan strategy, which McMaster had initially hoped to have resolved by May, continued Thursday when the president and his national security adviser met in the Oval Office. Trump's reluctance to commit to a new strategy reflects the paucity of good options in Afghanistan and the dim prospects for peace.

With US general under fire, Afghans fear being abandoned by Trump

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Afghans are alarmed by widespread reports that President Donald Trump has threatened to fire Gen. John Nicholson, the highly regarded U.S. military commander in this war-torn country, and that Trump has also delayed deciding on a military and political strategy Afghans have awaited anxiously for the past six months.

3 US Marines missing after aircraft crashes off Australia

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Search and rescue operations were underway for three U.S. Marines who were missing after their Osprey aircraft crashed into the sea off the east coast of Australia on Saturday while trying to land.

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Генерал-полковник Алексей Воробьев высоко оценил подготовку кинологов Росгвардии к предстоящим соревнованиям по профессиональному многоборью

American Army base opens doors to thousands of Germans

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The 59th annual German-American Volksfest at the U.S. Army’s Grafenwoehr Training Area was expected to attract more than 100,000 people over the weekend – many lured to the base by the smell of Bratwurst and Texas barbecued ribs.

Typhoon 07W (Noru), #30

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Noru's forecast track takes it further east of Sasebo, Iwakuni, a bit closer to Tokyo.

Typhoon 07W (Noru), #29

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Noru begins picking up speed northeast; where will it go, Pacific Ocean or Sea of Japan?

Typhoon 07W (Noru), # 27

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Noru briefly turns southwest, but is forecast to resume tracking northeast, and a bit further away from Sasebo, Iwakuni.

USAREUR officer pays bagpipe tribute at grave of fallen WWI ancestor 102 years after his death

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With the ongoing centennial observations marking America’s entry into World War I, and in the wake of the British royal family’s visit to Ypres to mark the 100th anniversary of the bloody third battle there, one U.S. Army Europe soldier made the trip to the battle site to visit the grave of his great-uncle, a British army private slain there in 1915.

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