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Новости за 11.08.2017

Why Macedonians need their own protector

Stars and Stripes 

If Macedonia doesn’t make it into the EU, it is not difficult to envision a future where the country ends up being picked apart by a variety of pressures from Russia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Albania and Greece, in some unknown combination.

Investigator in Trump tax return case is taken into custody

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A Louisiana private investigator accused of trying to illegally obtain Donald Trump's tax returns before last year's U.S. presidential election has been arrested for violating conditions of his pretrial release, prosecutors said.

Culinary fest in Antwerp

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Antwerp, Belgium’s, Bollekesfeest, first launched as a culinary festival back in 2007, has since evolved into a full-blown summer party with a varied cultural program.

Private submarine sinks; owner held on suspicion of murder

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The owner of an amateur-built submarine was arrested on suspicion of murder Friday after his vessel sank in Denmark's waters and a journalist who had joined him for what was supposed to be a short voyage was reported missing, Copenhagen police said.

Rewinding the world to the days of duck and cover

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Trump recklessly forced an already horrendous confrontation to a potentially even more calamitous level, one that could cause massive tragedy for both North Koreans and America’s trusting allies in Seoul.

Trump, Kim act with chips on their shoulders

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Luckily for the world, both Trump and Kim are supreme bluffers, and it’s highly unlikely that either party plans to carry through on the threats they’ve issued this week.

Explaining Trump's 'fight tonight' retweet

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Former presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush — who included North Korea with Iran and Iraq in his "Axis of Evil" — also both used the "fight tonight" phrase while discussing North Korea.

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Review: 'Annabelle: Creation' is satisfyingly spooky

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What is it about dolls that is so scary? Just the sight of a loose doll eyeball or a leg, separated from its corporeal context, can send a shiver down the spine. Dolls are so easily, effectively creepy that the tossed off prologue of "The Conjuring" generated a breakout star. Now, the evil porcelain doll Annabelle has a franchise of her own, with "Annabelle," and the latest, "Annabelle: Creation," a prequel of a prequel that director David F. Sandberg ably spins into a satisfyingly spooky origin story.

Navy football seeks answers to injury epidemic

Stars and Stripes 

Injuries put a damper on an otherwise successful season for Navy football in 2017. The Midshipmen endured a rash of injuries over the course of the campaign, with the losses eventually exacting a toll.

Beyond bluster, US, North Korea in regular contact

Stars and Stripes 

Beyond the bluster, the Trump administration has been quietly engaged in back channel diplomacy with North Korea for several months, addressing Americans imprisoned in the communist country and deteriorating relations between the long-time foes, The Associated Press has learned.

WWII veteran, 93, brings back flag taken from enemy soldier

Stars and Stripes 

The young U.S. Marine spotted the dead Japanese soldier with something white poking out from his jacket. The Marine knelt and pulled out a silk flag, all the space around the bright red emperor's sun filled with elegant calligraphy. He hesitated, then took the flag. More than 70 years later, he is returning the Japanese flag to his fallen enemy's family.

Спорт в России и мире

Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»


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Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

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Дух разделения в Святой Руси, или Можно ли лишиться сана за отпевание Навального*

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