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Новости за 12.08.2017

Trump blames 'many sides' for violent clashes in Virginia

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President Donald Trump on Saturday blamed "many sides" for the violent clashes between protesters and white supremacists in Virginia and contended that the "hatred and bigotry" broadcast across the country had taken root long before his political ascendancy.

7 White Helmets medics killed in Syria's Idlib

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Gunmen early Saturday stormed an office of a Syrian paramedic group that is active in opposition-controlled areas, killing seven of its members and stealing two vehicles and other equipment in a northwestern region, the group and opposition activists said, while a suicide attack south of the country killed at least 23 rebels.

VFW helps Vietnam vet to finally get medals, recognition

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Nearly 45 frustrating years of waiting and fighting with the federal government – and the help of Army veterans – brought Francis "Mac" McKenna, a former Air Force sergeant and munitions expert, the closure he sought for so long.

Official: Syria to facilitate chemical weapons team mission

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An international chemical weapons delegation will visit Syria in the coming days and Damascus will facilitate its mission to uncover who used chemical weapons in the country earlier this year, a Syrian official said Saturday.

Bomb blast kills 15 in southwestern Pakistan

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Pakistan's army says "terrorists" have targeted a military truck with a bomb killing eight soldiers and seven civilians in the southwestern city of Quetta.

Emergency declared for white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va.

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Hundreds of people chanted, threw punches, hurled water bottles and unleashed chemical sprays on each other Saturday after violence erupted at a white nationalist rally in Virginia. At least one person was arrested, as Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency.

US fighter jet crash lands at Bahrain International Airport

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An F/A-18 fighter jet that took off from the USS Nimitz suffered an engine problem and crash landed at Bahrain International Airport. The pilot ejected from the aircraft after it ran off the runway and escaped unharmed, authorities said.

Death toll rises amid Kenya's rioting over disputed vote

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In an escalation of Kenya's deadly election violence, police on Saturday fired live ammunition at rioters and used tear gas on vehicles carrying opposition officials trying to enter a Nairobi slum where they have strong support.

Bangor Army Guard unit heading to Afghanistan

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Thirty-five members of the 120th are heading to Afghanistan, after a period of training at Fort Hood, Texas. Two-thirds of the 35 soldiers have deployed before.

Google gender debacle speaks to tech culture wars, politics

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The Google engineer who blamed biological differences for the paucity of women in tech had every right to express his views. And Google likely had every right to fire him, workplace experts and lawyers say.

Washington-based subs operate out of Guam

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The guided-missile submarines USS Ohio and USS Michigan are based at Naval Base Kitsap, but operate out of Guam, which North Korea this week threatened to ring with missiles.

Submarine owner detained over journalist's disappearance

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A Danish court ordered the owner of an amateur-built submarine Saturday held in pre-trial detention for 24 days while police investigate the disappearance of a Swedish journalist who had been on the ship before it sank.

Judge to rule on submarine owner detained over disappearance

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Danish prosecutors urged a judge Saturday to hold in pre-trial detention the owner of an amateur-built submarine who is suspected of being responsible for the disappearance of a Swedish journalist who had been on the ship.

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Джиган запретит дочери Ариеле встречаться с определенной категорией парней

Персональные новости

В Москве завершился Кубок России по спортивному программированию

World's oldest man, a Holocaust survivor, dies at 113

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Israel Kristal, the world's oldest man who lived through both World Wars and survived the Auschwitz concentration camp has passed away just a month short of his 114th birthday, his family said Saturday.

Ramstein run adds color to gray day in Germany

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The Ramstein Air Force Sergeants Association and the Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center Detachment 4 booster club hosted the annual Color Run at Ramstein on Saturday.

Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman visits Pacific Command

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Marine Corps Gen. Joe Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, arrived in Hawaii on Thursday to meet with U.S. Pacific Command leadership on the first leg of his second Asia trip in three months.

Xi calls for calm after Trump says US is ‘locked and loaded’

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Chinese President Xi Jinping made a plea for cool-headedness over escalating tensions between the U.S. and North Korea in a phone conversation with U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday, urging both sides to avoid words or actions that could worsen the situation.

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