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Новости за 25.08.2017

Pentagon waives repayment of more than $190M from California National Guard members

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The Defense Department will let California National Guard members keep more than $190 million in disputed enlistment bonuses and other payments — far more than previously acknowledged — after the military spent six years trying to recover the money from veterans who had served at the height of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

FBI: Chinese national supplied rare, malicious malware

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A Chinese national has been charged in California with distributing a type of computer malware that has been linked to attacks on U.S. businesses and to the theft of personnel records of millions of U.S. government employees, authorities said.

Fearsome Hurricane Harvey slams into Texas Gulf Coast

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With time running out, tens of thousands of people fled Friday from the path of an increasingly menacing-looking Hurricane Harvey as it took aim at a wide swath of the Texas Gulf Coast.

Navy evacuates planes, personnel from 2 bases in direct path of Harvey

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With Hurricane Harvey barreling down on Corpus Christi and the Texas coastline, the Navy has evacuated dozens of aircraft and thousands of personnel from its two bases in the direct line of the growing storm, which is expected to make landfall early Saturday.

Iranian media say Apple has removed Iranian mobile apps from App Store

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Apple does not officially do business in Iran or any other Gulf countries, but many Iranians purchase its products from stores inside Iran. Many Iranians using social media criticized the Apple decision and have created #StopRemovingIranianApps to show their anger over the move.

Will Civil War re-enactments die out?

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Civil War buffs have always represented one of the more innocuous forms of weekend hobbyist, but now, even those dressed in uniform feel tension after the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Iraqi military finds grave sites of ISIS victims

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Iraqi military investigators said Friday they have discovered two mass graves near a former Islamic State group prison outside Mosul that contains the bodies of 500 ISIS victims.

UN relief workers, military discuss humanitarian crisis

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Relief workers, U.S. and foreign military officials, and field experts are meeting at Brown University to figure out how to work better together as the world faces the largest humanitarian crisis since 1945.

Trump administration imposes sweeping financial sanctions on Venezuela

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The Trump administration on Friday slapped sweeping financial sanctions on Venezuela, dramatically ratcheting up tensions between the two countries and making it harder for embattled President Nicolas Maduro to raise badly needed funds to prevent a debt default.

War is no shortcut to presidential boosts

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The obvious danger of foreign military action is that no one can ever guarantee it will go that well, and if it doesn’t it can be poisonous to a presidency.

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Remains of 3 Marines killed in Osprey crash near Australia recovered

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The bodies of Capt. Benjamin R. Cross, Cpl. Nathaniel F. Ordway and Lance Cpl. Ruben P. Velasco were recovered from the crashed tilt-rotor aircraft and will soon be returned to their families, according to a statement from the Japan-based III Marine Expeditionary Force.

In rare spectacle, Army court-martials a retired general

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James Grazioplene, a retired major general, is being court-martialed on charges that he raped a minor over a six-year period while he was on active duty in the 1980s, according to Army officials and court documents.

Fort Carson soldier deployed to Germany is found dead

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The Army is investigating the death of a Fort Carson soldier who died Wednesday on a training installation in Germany where he was deployed in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve, the service announced Friday.

Somali official says 10 civilians killed in joint raid

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Ten civilians, including a child, are dead after a raid by foreign and Somali forces on a farm in southern Somalia, a deputy governor said Friday as officials displayed victims' bloodied bodies in the capital.

At least 20 people killed in mosque attack in Afghan capital

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Militants stormed a packed Shiite mosque in the Afghan capital during Friday prayers, in an attack that lasted for hours and ended with at least 20 worshipers killed and another 50 seriously wounded, many of them children, an official said.

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