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Новости за 20.08.2017

Trump to outline new Afghanistan plan in address to nation

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President Donald Trump plans to address the nation on his strategy for the war in Afghanistan. The White House says Trump will speak to the country on Monday at 9 p.m. EDT from Fort Myer in Arlington, Va.

Trump to address nation Monday on Afghanistan

Stars and Stripes 

President Donald Trump plans to address the nation on his strategy for the war in Afghanistan. The White House says Trump will speak to the country on Monday at 9 p.m. EDT from Fort Myer in Arlington, Va.

US commander in Afghanistan launches special ops corps

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Signaling that the U.S. military expects its mission to continue, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan on Sunday hailed the launch of the Afghan Army's new special operations corps, declaring that "we are with you and we will stay with you."

Jerry Lewis, comedian, telethon host, dies at 91

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Jerry Lewis, the manic, rubber-faced showman who jumped and hollered to fame in a lucrative partnership with Dean Martin, settled down to become a self-conscious screen auteur and found an even greater following as the tireless, teary host of the annual muscular dystrophy telethons, has died. He was 91.

Balance issues bring down ‘Sudden Strike 4’

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There are two different games to be found in “Sudden Strike 4.” One that was that balanced for engaging gameplay and another that was designed with little to no thought toward player enjoyment.

Army report on fatal Fort Hood training exercise largely redacted

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An investigative report on a 2016 Fort Hood training exercise that resulted in the deaths of eight soldiers and one West Point cadet broadly outlines how the accident occurred but redacts all findings, autopsy reports and recommendations.

Spain hunts for suspected driver, two others in connection with Barcelona attack

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Spanish authorities on Sunday continued their hunt for a 22-year-old suspect as well as two others in connection with the brutal vehicle attacks in Barcelona and a nearby coastal city late last week. A police official said that the terrorist cell had planned a "much more serious attack" that was probably thwarted by an accidental explosion Wednesday.

Plan to hire more Border Patrol agents hasn't happened

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Pledges that Donald Trump made the keystone of his campaign have stalled, or even slid backward, a reflection of the gap between his broad promises and the practical reality of remaking the government's vast immigration enforcement apparatus.

100 gas tanks: Extremists in Spain planned massive attack

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While police have identified the 12 members of the cell, three people remain unaccounted for: two believed killed when the house where the plot was being hatched exploded Wednesday, and a suspected fugitive.

Turkish political refugees flock to Germany, seeking safety

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Germany has become the top destination for political refugees from Turkey since the failed July 15, 2016 coup. Some 5,742 Turkish citizens applied for asylum here last year, more than three times as many as the year before.

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