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Новости за 06.08.2017

Joining Arab states, Israel says it plans to ban Al-Jazeera news network

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Israel said Sunday it plans to ban Qatar's flagship Al-Jazeera network from operating in the country over allegations it incites violence, joining Arab nations that have shut down the broadcaster amid a separate political dispute. The news organization, in turn, said it will take legal action.

Russia says it's ready for more engagement with US, despite sanctions

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Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, after meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson for the first since the U.S. imposed the additional penalties, said Russian and the U.S. had agreed to resume a suspended high-level diplomatic channel and Washington would send its Ukraine envoy to Moscow for negotiations.

A welcome boost from China to global pressure on North Korea

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A global pressure campaign on North Korea propelled by sharp new U.N. sanctions received a welcome boost Sunday from China, the North's economic lifeline, as Beijing called on its neighbor to halt its missile and nuclear tests.

The panhandler's lament: In an increasingly cashless world, fewer have a dime to spare

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John Sullivan wears a giant foam hat in the shape of a whale. It works well as a conversation starter when he panhandles on the corner of Wisconsin Avenue and M Street in Georgetown. But one hot afternoon in July, no one stops to ask Sullivan about the whale. And no one stops to drop a dollar in his pink plastic cup.

Venezuelan official says military quashed attack at base

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Ruling party chief Diosdado Cabello said Venezuelan troops quashed a "terrorist" attack at a military base Sunday, shortly after a small group of men dressed in fatigues released a video declaring themselves in rebellion.

These ex-warlords are promising Afghanistan's 'salvation'

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Afghan president Ashraf Ghani likes to say that he has the world's most difficult job. But amid the plethora of problems he faces, it might come as a surprise that his vice president, whom he selected, is one of the biggest.

Tropical Storm 07W (Noru), # 35

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Noru downgraded to tropical storm, rumbles over land near Nagoya, still headed just north of Tokyo.

Typhoon 07W (Noru), #34

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Noru remains a typhoon, begins passage over Kansai area on path taking it close to Tokyo on Tuesday.

Typhoon 07W (Noru), #32

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Noru remains on northeast course, could make for showery, windy Tuesday afternoon in Tokyo area.

Музыкальные новости

"Новосибирск, бро, за всё прости": концерт Басты на "Сибирь-Арене" собрал аншлаг

Персональные новости

Школьники могут принять участие в конкурсе видеороликов «Байкал без пластика»

Typhoon 07W (Noru), #31

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Noru continues tracking northeast; Tokyo could be a destination as track edges further east.

North Korean missiles add urgency to Hiroshima A-bomb appeals

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Hiroshima's appeal of "never again" on the 72nd anniversary Sunday of the world's first atomic bomb attack has gained urgency as North Korea accelerates work on its nuclear weapons program, showing its growing prowess with increasingly frequent missile launches.

Venezuela official: Attack at military base

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In the video a man identifying himself as Capt. Juan Caguaripano said that any unit refusing to go along with its call for rebellion would be declared a military target.

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