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Новости за 26.08.2017

Indiana soldier killed in Afghanistan lauded at funeral

Stars and Stripes 

Family, friends, soldiers and dignitaries gathered Saturday for Jonathon Hunter's funeral at Columbus East High School, from which he graduated in 2011. He was lauded for his love of children, music, sports and serving his country.

NY aircraft, vessels and people aiding hurricane response

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Rescue teams, maintenance and support staff from the 106th Rescue Wing of the New York Air National Guard is heading to Texas and Louisiana, along with three rescue helicopters, a rescue plane and several boats and watercraft.

US Navy officer and CWO promotions for September, 2017

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A list of U.S. Navy officers who have been selected for promotion to the permanent grades of captain, commander, lieutenant commander, lieutenant and chief warrant officer in the line and staff corps in September, 2017.

Harvey spins deeper inland; full scope of damage is unknown

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Harvey spun deeper into Texas on Saturday and unloaded ponderous amounts of rain after the once-fearsome hurricane crashed into vulnerable homes and businesses along the coastline in a blow that killed at least one person and injured up to 14.

Coast Guard member guilty of sex assault, lying about it

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According to the Coast Guard, Petty Officer 3rd Class Juan A. Guzman was convicted of committing a sexual assault in Port Angeles, Washington in May 2014, and then lying to Coast Guard Investigative Service agents about it in July 2015.

US man killed in South Sudan; army says 'caught in fighting'

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American Christopher Allen was killed Saturday morning when opposition rebels attacked the town of Kaya near the Ugandan border in South Sudan. He was "caught in the fighting" that also left 15 rebels dead, the army spokesman said.

Somalia's army chief: Raid killed civilians, not extremists

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"We are aware of the civilian casualty allegations near Barire, Somalia. We take any allegations of civilian casualties seriously, and per standard, we are conducting an assessment into the situation to determine the facts on the ground," the U.S. said in a statement.

Top US military commander in Afghanistan finally gets his wish

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For months, Gen. John W. Nicholson, Jr., made the case for an expanded U.S. military commitment to Afghanistan, telling skeptics that the faltering Afghan war was an urgent matter of American security, that the struggling Afghan government was a reliable partner, and that its defense forces just needed more time and U.S. support to become self-sufficient.

Thousands in Barcelona march, shouting 'I'm not afraid!'

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Hundreds of thousands of peace marchers flooded the heart of Barcelona on Saturday shouting "I'm not afraid" — a public rejection of violence following extremist attacks that killed 15 people, Spain's deadliest in more than a decade.

Park service looks to save Johnstown Flood-connected Lippincott Cottage

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When the South Fork Reservoir's dam burst in May, 1889, setting off the Johnstown Flood that killed more than 2,200 people, "cottages" owned by some of the nation's wealthiest men were left high and dry. Many still stand, but one of them is now an eyesore.

Two times four: Quadruplets stay together, begin college in Connecticut

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Anna Ciacciarella put color-coded tape on all the desk lamps, mattress pads, notebooks and other dorm-room items as she and her three siblings prepared to move from the family home to Quinnipiac University. About 10 miles down Interstate 91, quadruplets Aaron, Nick, Zach and Nigel Wade are preparing to begin their freshman year at Yale.

Damaging Hurricane Harvey settles in, dumps rain on southeast Texas

Stars and Stripes 

Hurricane Harvey settled over the Texas Gulf Coast on Saturday, lashing the shore with damaging winds and dumping torrents of rain across hundreds of miles of coastline that braced for life-threatening storm surges — walls of water rushing inland.

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Classmates remember Vietnam War hero from Maine

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Thomas McMahon, who died in Vietnam and received the Medal of Honor for his heroism, was honored Friday by his Lewiston High School Class of 1967 during its 50th class reunion weekend celebration.

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