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Новости за 29.05.2017

In shadow of Mosul fight, Iran establishes Nineveh foothold

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While Iraq's conventional military has been slowly clearing the Islamic State group from inside Mosul's complex urban terrain, Iraq's Iran-backed Shiite paramilitary forces have been working their way through less glamorous territory: vast deserts west and south of the city that run along and across Iraq's border with Syria.

City clash fuels fear of IS foothold in southern Philippines

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Inside a lakeside city dotted with hundreds of mosques, a powerful militant designated by the Islamic State group as its leader in the Philippines has managed to unify a disparate group of gunmen under a single command.

More than 80,000 American servicemembers remain missing in action

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Bernie O. Aaberg and Frank W. Zywicki have the distinctions of being, alphabetically, the first and last servicemembers on the U.S. military's list of those missing in action. Between the two of them are more than 80,000 others.

Putin visits France for talks; Macron does not give an inch

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Flexing his diplomatic muscles, French President Emmanuel Macron said he had "extremely frank, direct" talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, pushing for cooperation on Syria and against the Islamic State group but also launching an extraordinary attack on two Russian media outlets he accused of spreading "lying propaganda."

'My burial is of no import': The American pilots who fought for France in WWI

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On Monday, March 19, 1917, three Americans strapped into the cockpits of their single-seat biplanes on a French airfield, and embarked on a reconnaissance mission. The United States was weeks away from declaring war on Germany and entering World War I. But these Americans, natives of Illinois, New York and Massachusetts, had sailed to France to aid the country in its conflict with Germany.

In Kabul, a sidewalk cobbler repairs more than shoes

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In some ways, the community seems frozen in time, unaffected by the war raging in the countryside. People take pleasure in traditional niceties, content to do a little business and pour a little more tea. Yet decades of conflict and upheaval have left their mark, although the scars are subtle.

Manchester police seek clues in concert bomber's suitcase

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Police in Manchester, England issued a picture of the arena suicide bomber holding a blue suitcase and asked anyone who might have seen him with it before the attack to call a confidential hotline.

Merkel warns against 'simple answers' after Trump meetings

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Chancellor Angela Merkel cautioned Monday against seeking "simple answers" to complex global issues, a day after suggesting that Europe's relationship with the U.S. had shifted significantly following NATO and G-7 meetings with President Donald Trump that produced disappointing results.

In Syria, more airstrikes hit IS de facto capital of Raqqa

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More airstrikes and artillery shelling on Monday hit the northern Syrian city of Raqqa, the de facto capital of the Islamic State group, as U.S.-backed fighters pushed closer to the extremists' stronghold, activists said.

Abandonment of NATO can’t be walked back

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Even more than a willingness to use force in defense of an ally, Article 5 has come to embody the political commitment that undergirds the alliance of the West.

Colbert is lucky he’s not a professional athlete

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None of this means athletes are more or less sensitive than the average talk show host. But if they say something patently offensive, their teams or leagues are going to do something about it.

Iraq paramilitaries reach Iraq's border with Syria

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Iraq's mostly Iran-backed Shiite paramilitary forces reached the border with Syria on Monday after securing a string of small villages west of Mosul, according to a spokesman for the group.

Iraq paramilitaries move on key town near Syrian border

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An Iraqi government-sanctioned paramilitary force moved on Monday to capture a key town beyond the city of Mosul from the Islamic State group, tightening its grip on series of towns and villages near the Syrian border, officials said.

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Terrorists will keep trying to attack Britain

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Serious questions will now be asked across Britain about its Muslim communities and whether Muslim leaders and role models are saying and doing enough to counter the poisonous narratives emanating from Islamic terrorist groups.

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