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Новости за 18.05.2017

US, Israeli spies upset that Trump shared intel with Russia

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The U.S. and Israel are publicly brushing aside President Donald Trump's reported sharing of a highly classified tip from Israel with Russia, but spy professionals on both sides are frustrated and fearful about the repercussions to a critical intelligence partnership.

Airstrikes fuel Mosul gains as Iraq pushes for quick victory

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Military operations are accelerating in Mosul as part of a drive to retake the handful of districts still under ISIS control before the holy month of Ramadan begins at the end of May. Advances on the ground continue to be backed by heavy airstrikes and artillery.

Car mows down Times Square pedestrians for blocks, killing 1

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The drive, 26-year-old Navy veteran Richard Rojas, told officers he was hearing voices and expected to die, according to two law enforcement officials. He had been arrested at least twice previously for driving while intoxicated, once in 2008 and once in 2015.

Chaffetz will resign, raising doubts about Trump probe

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U.S. Rep. Jason Chaffetz said Thursday he will resign from Congress next month, a move that calls into question the future of the House Oversight Committee's investigation of President Donald Trump and his campaign's ties with Russia.

Turkey demands US replace envoy in spat over Syrian Kurds

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Turkey has told the United States it will not join in any military operations that include Kurdish fighters in Syria, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Thursday, while vowing to strike the U.S.-backed Kurds if they threaten Turkey's security.

Lawmakers’ safety exemption for old steamboat alarms Coast Guard

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Relaunching the now-idle boat would rekindle a connection to the region’s history and inject millions of tourist dollars and hundreds of jobs into states up and down the river, supporters said. There was just one problem: the vote exempted the vessel from a fire safety law despite fresh Coast Guard warnings.

Facebook wins dismissal of terror victims' lawsuits

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Facebook won the dismissal of two lawsuits brought by victims of terror attacks and their families who claimed the social media giant helped groups in the Middle East, such as Hamas, by giving them a platform to air their incendiary views.

CBS to remain TV home for Army-Navy game through 2028

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CBS Sports and the service academies on Thursday announced a 10-year agreement that extends the network's media rights deal for the annual football rivalry game. The Army-Navy game has been aired on CBS every year since 1996.

Senate chairman changes statement to say Flynn has not responded to subpoena

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Correcting his earlier statement, the chairman of the Senate intelligence committee said Thursday that ousted National Security Adviser Michael Flynn hasn't responded to a subpoena from the panel in its probe of Russia's meddling in the 2016 presidential election. Republican Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina had said hours earlier Flynn's lawyer had informed the panel he would not comply with the subpoena.

Russian foreign minister mocks US media over intelligence-sharing reports

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Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Thursday mocked U.S. news reports suggesting President Donald Trump inappropriately shared sensitive intelligence with him about terror threats involving laptops on airplanes. He joked that some U.S. media were acting like communist newspapers in the former Soviet Union and not offering real news.

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Living in limbo: DOD rule change stalls path to citizenship

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Indonesian-born Dr. Kusuma Nio, 32, who lives in Springfield, Illinois, is watching his fellow soldiers of the 1st Forward Surgical Team based in New York leave for war. His path to citizenship has become a minefield.

Long-distance US bombing flight caps Jordan military drill

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A multi-nation military exercise in Jordan that appears to have rattled neighboring Syria is wrapping up with a 36-hour non-stop practice bombing flight meant to show the United States can reach faraway targets.

Trump assails 'witch hunt' after naming of special counsel

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President Donald Trump lashed out at the appointment of a special counsel to investigate allegations that his campaign collaborated with Russia to sway the 2016 election, tweeting Thursday that it is "the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!"

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