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Новости за 08.05.2017

Oculus, Vive headsets are taking Israel's army underground

Stars and Stripes 

In a refurbished building on a military base in central Israel, soldiers are training in underground combat using headsets made by Oculus, the virtual-reality headset maker owned by Facebook, and Vive, owned by HTC Corp.

Yates says she expected White House to take action on Flynn

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Former acting attorney general Sally Yates said Monday she warned the top lawyer in the White House that then-National Security Adviser Michael Flynn could be blackmailed by Russia, and gave the White House a private warning "so that they could take action."

Yates says she warned White House that Flynn could be 'blackmailed'

Stars and Stripes 

Former acting attorney general Sally Yates said Monday she warned the top lawyer in the White House that then-National Security Adviser Michael Flynn could be blackmailed by Russia, and gave the White House a private warning "so that they could take action."

Prey: a surprising, pleasant shock to the system

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It’s difficult to talk about “Prey” without talking about its predecessors. No, I’m not talking about the forgettable 2006 title that is technically the first game in this iteration’s series. I’m instead referring to games like “Half-Life” and “System Shock,” games that this “Prey” resembles more than just a little.

Wentworth Military Academy's closing spurs town to charge ahead

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The bugle and the marching up the hill were part of Lexington, Mo. Starting in 1882, residents who lived close to Wentworth Military Academy heard both. But that all ends soon when the flag comes down a final time. And people will wonder if it had to be that way.

Vermont baker helps troops by sending cookies abroad

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Alice Mower, the chef behind the one-woman pastry business Alice’s Kitchen, received her culinary training relatively late in life. A former administrative worker in a financial research lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mower had always admired the science and art of baking.

A quarter century after downing of helicopters, US revisits Somalia

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Almost a quarter century since the U.S. withdrew from Somalia after militiamen shot down two Black Hawk helicopters and special forces took heavy losses in a battle in the capital, an al-Qaida-backed insurgency is once again drawing U.S. attention.

US will still test Beijing's claims in South China Sea, Navy says

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The U.S. Navy will still challenge claims by nations like China to exclusive access in the South China Sea, Pacific Fleet Commander Scott Swift said, insisting a hiatus in "freedom of navigation" patrols doesn't mean the disputed waterway is a lower priority for the Trump presidency.

China's smear campaign against a US admiral backfires

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The Chinese government is denying reports that its ambassador to Washington asked the Trump administration to fire Adm. Harry Harris, the head of U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM) and a strong voice inside the U.S. government calling for a tough China policy. This may mark the end of Beijing's not-so-subtle campaign against Harris, which has been going on for years.

Russia wants quick UN vote for Syria 'de-escalation zones'

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The U.N. Security Council president says Russia wants a vote early this week on a resolution supporting a deal hammered out by Russia, Turkey and Iran to set up "de-escalation zones" in mostly opposition-held parts of Syria

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Mattis: US reviewing Syria safe zones but has many questions

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Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said the U.S. owes it to the people of Syria to take a close look at the Russian proposal to create several "safe zones" in Syria. But Mattis also said the plan poses many unanswered questions, including whether it would be effective.

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