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Новости за 11.05.2017

New Orleans removes 2nd of 4 Confederate statues before dawn

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Workers wearing bulletproof vests and helmets removed the statue of Confederate President Jefferson Davis in New Orleans before dawn Thursday as police officers encircled the monument and kept watch on protesters.

Guam drills indefinitely postponed after craft runs aground

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Multinational military drills on Guam designed to show support for the free passage of vessels in international waters amid concerns China may restrict access to the South China Sea have been indefinitely postponed after a French landing craft ran aground Friday.

Where does the FBI go from here?

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It is a dangerous moment, because history shows that partisan control is the hallmark of illegitimate spying, and that politicized law-enforcement and intelligence cannot be squared with democracy.

Review: Guy Ritchie reinvents 'King Arthur' to mixed results

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Deep into Guy Ritchie’s “King Arthur: Legend of the Sword,” a bad guy who we’ve never met before informs Arthur (Charlie Hunnam) and his mates that they’d better be at the castle before dark if they want to see “the boy” and “the girl” again. It’s one of those harmless, up the stakes cliche that’s all too common in action movies, but, in the flawed yet amusing “King Arthur,” it unwittingly left me baffled. “Which girl?” I wondered, sincerely doubting that this was the intended effect.

Iraqi forces move to surround Mosul's Old City, held by ISIS

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U.S.-backed Iraqi forces were moving to surround Mosul's Old City on Thursday, a week after launching a fresh push to drive Islamic State militants from areas they still hold, according to an Iraqi officer overseeing the operation.

Former Rep. Brown found guilty in charity scam

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Former U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown has been found guilty of taking money from a charity that was purported to be giving scholarships to poor students. She was found guilty on 18 of the 22 counts against her, including lying on tax and financial disclosure forms.

'You're just meat' — Ukrainian soldiers get chilling texts

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The messages typically say things such as "Leave and you will live" or "Nobody needs your kids to become orphans." Many are disguised to look as if they are coming from fellow soldiers. The effectiveness of the propaganda texts is an open question.

Experts: US must project its cyber warfare capabilities to deter Russian threat

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The United States must demonstrate its cyber warfare capabilities to help deter sophisticated attacks from Russia and other adversaries while building strategies on a battlefield still misunderstood by commanders and senior officials, a panel of defense experts told lawmakers Thursday.

Trump: I was going to fire Comey even without recommendation

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President Donald Trump said Thursday he would have fired FBI Director James Comey even without the recommendation from his top political appointees at the Justice Department, contradicting earlier White House accounts.

North Korea poses 'existential' threat, US intel chief warns

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Dan Coats said the unprecedented nuclear and missile testing last year indicates leader Kim Jong Un is intent on proving North Korea's capability. He wouldn't say how close Pyongyang is to being able to strike the U.S. mainland.

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Coalition: Capture of ISIS-held town undermines militant group

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The fall of Tabqa denies militants "a key coordination hub" that had been used by the group's foreign fighters since 2013 to plan attacks against the West, the coalition said in a statement. The capture of Tabqa sets the stage for an advance on Raqqa.

Pentagon intelligence chief warns of Afghan gains being lost

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The U.S. must "do something very different" in Afghanistan, such as placing American military advisers closer to the front lines, or risk squandering all that has been invested there in recent years, the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency said.

American who joined al-Qaida faces sentencing in New York

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A federal judge must now decide whether the admitted terrorist should be spared a long prison term - and maybe even be freed - for switching sides and becoming a prized U.S. government cooperator.

Trump to launch panel to investigate voter fraud

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President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order on Thursday launching a commission to review alleged voter fraud and voter suppression in the U.S. election system, three White House officials said.

Exercise Saber Junction underway in Germany

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Almost 4,000 soldiers from more than a dozen NATO and partner nations are participating in the annual Saber Junction Exercise to evaluate the readiness of one of U.S. Army Europe’s combat brigades.

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