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Новости за 28.05.2017

More arrests in Manchester attack; UK remains on high alert

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British police made two more arrests and stormed three more locations Sunday as they hunted for suspects in the Manchester bombing, while a government minister said members of attacker Salman Abedi's network may still be at large.

Lifeguards rescue 11 from rough surf in Honolulu

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In one incident, a 19-year-old man jumped off a cliff at Spitting Caves and was unable to handle the ocean conditions. Four fellow military service members jumped in to help and were assisted by a sixth man. All were brought to shore by lifeguards.

8 dead in shooting rampage in Mississippi; suspect arrested

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A man who got into an argument with his estranged wife over their children was arrested in a house-to-house shooting rampage in rural Mississippi that left eight people dead, including his mother-in-law and a sheriff's deputy.

Chaplain offered solace at Pentagon on 9/11

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Retired U.S. Army Col. Janet Horton frowned over the multiple rejections she faced after being commissioned to the chaplaincy, smiled at the way God worked good out of all the negativity and wiped away tears as she talked about the events of Sept. 11, 2001.

Forget supersonic: Hypersonic is the US military's new speed

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In the future, military dominance will depend partly on how fast you can fly and how quickly you can get into space. Boeing Co.'s XS-1 (Experimental Spaceplane) got a green light this week by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

Muslims thankful for support after rant, deadly attack

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Muhammad A. Najieb, an imam at the Muslim Community Center, said the two young women targeted by an anti-Muslim rant "could have been the victims, but three heroes jumped in and supported them."

Scouts honor war veterans at Los Angeles National Cemetery

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Thousands of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts visited Los Angeles National Cemetery Saturday to plant flags in honor of Memorial Day. In just over an hour, the Scouts turned the national graveyard into a garden of flags flying beneath a solemn sky.

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Trump eyes White House overhaul, outside lawyers and PR team

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President Donald Trump is considering overhauling his White House staff and bringing back top campaign strategists, frustrated by what he views as his team's inability to contain the burgeoning crisis involving alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

To many Americans, Memorial Day has lost its meaning

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"You can see it in people's faces that they're a little horrified that they forget this is what the day's about," said Army veteran Allison Jaslow. "Culturally, we've kind of lost sight of what the day's supposed to mean."

Newcomer Macron makes France's mark, with Trump and globally

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Within days of taking the French presidency, Emmanuel Macron faced a string of diplomatic tests - pushing the Paris climate deal on a skeptical Donald Trump, rallying European allies to do more to fight Syria's extremists, and now hosting Vladimir Putin.

A Shared Grief: Gold Star Mothers find kinship amid the burden of their loss

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The Gold Star Mothers' national roots stretch back to World War I. Now a new generation of women, whose sons or daughters died while on active duty, or as a result of injuries received on active duty, are coming together because they understand each other in ways no one else can.

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