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Новости за 26.05.2017

Navy band which broke color barrier to get historical marker

Stars and Stripes 

The 44 members of the U.S. Navy B-1 Band cracked the color barrier, leaving an impression on the Chapel Hill community during their two-year service on UNC's campus during World War II. On Saturday, the community will commemorate their contribution with a historical marker.

Chinese jets intercept Navy P-3

Stars and Stripes 

Two Chinese jets intercepted a Navy P-3 Orion on Wednesday, with one of the jets coming as close as 200 yards of the surveillance plane, a U.S. defense official confirmed.

Danny McBride is full of surprises

Stars and Stripes 

Danny McBride has a special flair for playing obnoxious loudmouths - the kind of outwardly cocky yet inwardly tragic jerks that he’s brought indelibly to life in films like “The Foot Fist Way,” “Pineapple Express,” “This Is the End” and the HBO series “Eastbound & Down” and “Vice Principals.”

At least 28 killed in ambush attack on Christians in Egypt

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Masked gunmen ambushed a bus carrying Coptic Christians to a monastery south of Cairo on Friday, killing at least 28 people, and Egypt responded by launching airstrikes against what it said were militant training bases in Libya.

Trump 'evolving' on climate action, pressured by Europeans

Stars and Stripes 

Forceful face-to-face talks this week with fellow world leaders left President Donald Trump "more knowledgeable" and with "evolving" views about the global climate accord he's threatened to abandon, a top White House official said Friday. Trump also was impressed by their arguments about how crucial U.S. leadership is in supporting international efforts.

He wondered about his brother's death in WWII for 68 years. Now he has answers

Stars and Stripes 

Bobby Montague and his brother, Wilson Montague, were close while growing up in a Raleigh family with 14 children. Bobby, the youngest, was heartbroken when Wilson left to join the U.S. Air Force in the 1940s, but Wilson wrote letters home every day. One day, though, there was no letter waiting for Bobby Mantague in the mailbox.

Native Alaskans who protected Alaska in WWII to be honored

Stars and Stripes 

The military on Friday will honor more than a dozen deceased members of a largely Native Alaskan citizen militia who protected the U.S. territory from the threat of Japanese invasion during World War II, bringing closure to their families for a service that went unpaid and unrecognized for decades.

US servicemember killed in vehicle accident in Syria

Stars and Stripes 

A U.S. servicemember died Friday in northern Syria from injuries sustained during a vehicle rollover, the U.S.-led coalition fighting the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria said in a statement.

Militants attack Christians in Egypt, killing at least 28

Stars and Stripes 

Masked gunmen riding in three SUVs opened fire Friday on a packed bus taking Coptic Christians on a visit to a monastery south of Egypt's capital, killing at least 28 people, including two little children, authorities said.

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Once at risk of extinction, iconic Warthog plane lives on

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The Warthog is sitting pretty. Once on the brink of forced retirement, the A-10 attack plane with the ungainly shape and odd nickname has been given new life, spared by Air Force leaders who have reversed the Obama administration's view of the plane as an unaffordable extra in what had been a time of tight budgets.

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Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

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