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Новости за 03.05.2017

Protests expected when Trump visits USS Intrepid in NYC for WWII ceremony

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The native New Yorker, whose image for decades was interwoven with his brash hometown, is making his first trip back to Manhattan since taking office, returning Thursday to mark the anniversary of an important World War II battle by making a speech on a decommissioned aircraft carrier docked on the Hudson River.

Navy spy case moved up to Thursday, shortened to 2 days

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Lt. Cmdr. Edward C. Lin is accused of passing classified information to Taiwan, and faces two counts of espionage, three counts of attempted espionage and five counts of communicating defense information, among other charges.

Africa's inequality stifles growth, says report

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Africa is experiencing higher levels of poverty than previously thought because decades of economic growth have only benefited a small wealthy elite, says a report released by the British aid group Oxfam at the World Economic Forum Africa which started in South Africa's coastal city of Durban on Wednesday.

Highlights of bipartisan $1.1 trillion government-wide spending bill

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The bipartisan, $1.1 trillion government-wide spending bill finances agency operations through Sept. 30, the end of the fiscal year. The bill has been endorsed by the White House, top congressional Democrats, and House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis. It provides President Donald Trump with an increase in the Pentagon budget but denies his request for construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Shulkin says he's considering closing 1,100 VA facilities

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Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin says his department is seeking to close perhaps more than 1,100 VA facilities nationwide as it develops plans to allow more veterans to receive medical care in the private sector.

Delving into the bloody history of Harpers Ferry

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The first battle of the Civil War was in April 1861 at Fort Sumter in South Carolina. But two years earlier — in Harpers Ferry, in what was then Virginia — a rebellion led by a 59-year-old John Brown sparked the South’s secession and the war.

Thousands rally to back Palestinian prisoners' hunger strike

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Several thousand Palestinians rallied in a West Bank square on Wednesday in solidarity with hundreds of hunger-striking Palestinian prisoners held by Israel. Speakers called for a new campaign of civil disobedience against Israeli rule.

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EC-130H focuses on electronic warfare against Islamic State

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Silence on the battlefield is beautiful if it means an end or lull in direct combat. It’s also disaster if it means an inability to contact or communicate with friendly forces. Now the U.S. Air Force is using the power of silence in the fight against ISIS.

Trump seeks steps from Abbas to promote peace with Israel

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President Donald Trump will press Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday to end payments to families of Palestinians imprisoned in Israeli jails, according to U.S. officials, one of several actions Washington believes could lead to resumed peace talks with Israel.

Central African Republic violence kills 45 over 3 months

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Armed groups targeting civilians in revenge attacks over the past three months in Central African Republic have killed at least 45 people and displaced 11,000, Human Rights Watch said Tuesday.

US company turned blind eye to wild behavior on Iraq base

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An American company that was paid nearly $700 million to secure an Iraqi base for F-16 fighter jets turned a blind eye to alcohol smuggling, theft, security violations, and allegations of sex trafficking — then terminated investigators who uncovered wrongdoing, an Associated Press investigation has found.

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