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Новости за 10.05.2017

VA hearing postponed amid fallout from FBI director firing

Stars and Stripes 

A Senate hearing regarding the future of the Veterans Choice Program was postponed Wednesday after Senate Democrats invoked a rule to prevent committees from meeting – a decision made in protest of the firing of FBI Director James Comey.

Tunnel collapse renews safety concerns about nuclear site

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The collapse of a tunnel containing radioactive waste at the Hanford nuclear weapons complex underscored what critics have long been saying: that the toxic remnants of the Cold War are being stored in haphazard and unsafe conditions, and time is running out to deal with the problem.

Review: In 'Alien: Covenant,' a return to gut-busting horror

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Ah, the siren song of John Denver. Who among us can resist it? Certainly, not the crew of the Covenant, a vessel powered by a golden sail cruising through space with 2,000 “colonists” in hyper sleep and years to go until they reach their destination.

'Warts and all:' Associated Press reviews its WWII coverage of Nazi Germany

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The Associated Press has conducted an in-depth review of its operations in Nazi Germany, concluding that the news agency acted as "forthrightly and independently as possible," But handled some situations inadequately. "AP believes it is important to know one's own story — warts and all — and so we have re-examined the period, taking a hard look," the report says.

Fort Drum soldier wins $5 million scratch-off lottery jackpot

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A Fort Drum soldier is a few million dollars richer after finding a winning scratch-off ticket in Watertown. Jesse Vonderhorst, 36, of Vancouver, Wash., scratched the winning ticket at a gas station while filling up his car.

Germany’s polizei put brakes on US car culture

Stars and Stripes 

Servicemembers who modify their cars in Germany bump up against stringent vehicle regulations and local police who are sticklers for the law. The police show little tolerance for add-ons commonly seen in American muscle and custom cars.

Before firing, Comey was pushing Trump-Russia probe harder

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In the days before his firing FBI Director James Comey told U.S. lawmakers he had asked the Justice Department for more resources to pursue the bureau's investigation into Russia's interference in last year's presidential election, three U.S. officials said.

Missouri Senate passes Real ID compliance measure

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Missouri senators voted early Wednesday to give residents the option of whether to get a driver's license that complies with a federal identification requirement, which would allow people to board airplanes and enter military bases.

Музыкальные новости

Минкульт Калининградской области отказался отменять шоу «Tribute Rammstein»

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Сбер подарил Орлу умный фонтан

Meet the Marines on the ground in Afghanistan

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A Marine unit was dispatched to Helmand last month for the first time since 2014. The returning unit has nine months to make a mark. Stars and Stripes spoke with some of the Marines. Here are a few we met.

US may send Patriot missile to Lithuania amid Moscow threat

Stars and Stripes 

U.S. defense officials said a long-range Patriot missile battery may be deployed to the Baltic region later this year as part of a military exercise. The move, if finalized, would be temporary but signal staunch U.S. backing for Baltic nations concerned about the threat from Russia.

Trump defends Comey firing, says both parties will thank him

Stars and Stripes 

President Donald Trump defended his firing of FBI Director James Comey, asserting in a flurry of tweets Wednesday that Republicans and Democrats "will be thanking me." Trump did not mention any effect the firing might have on the probe into contacts between his 2016 campaign and Russia.

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Московские школьники стали победителями всероссийской олимпиады по математике


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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

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