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Новости за 17.05.2017

Movies on base through May 24

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Times and dates for theaters in Belgium, England, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, The Netherlands and Spain and Turkey.

Review: Latest 'Wimpy Kid' film is definitely a long haul

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From 2010 to 2012, a trilogy of “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” films were released in rapid succession, starring Zachary Gordon, Devon Bostick, Rachael Harris and Steve Zahn. Adapted from the web comic turned kids novels by Jeff Kinney, the films featured the kinds of embarrassments and toilet humor that tend to make up most middle school lore. Five years later, a fourth film, “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul,” is hitting theaters, with a completely new cast making up the Heffley family. Director David Bowers... Читать дальше...

Alaska owner plans to resurrect strip club boat for summer as a protest

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Darren Byler says he will begin his summer-long demonstrations Thursday on the 94-foot Wild Alaskan. He has long alleged he was hit with the federal "poop" charges because authorities and others disapproved of the exotic-dancer business he ran in 2014.

50,000 GIs to Afghanistan? Trump will decide

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One reason the new war strategy would require more troops is that it envisions using U.S. forces in a support role that until now has relied on outside contractors.

Former admiral sentenced to 18 months in 'Fat Leonard' case

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Robert Gilbeau was sentenced to 18 months in prison for lying to federal agents about his part in the worst corruption scandal in Navy history, making him the highest-ranking officer convicted so far in an investigation that has ensnared more than 200 people.

Chelsea Manning 'looking forward to so much' after release

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Pvt. Chelsea Manning, the transgender soldier convicted of giving classified government materials to WikiLeaks, was released from a Kansas military prison early Wednesday after serving seven years of her 35-year sentence.

Newly freed Chelsea Manning: 'I'm figuring things out'

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Pvt. Chelsea Manning, the transgender soldier convicted of giving classified government materials to WikiLeaks, was released from a Kansas military prison early Wednesday after serving seven years of her 35-year sentence.

They won't go down without a fight

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Underdogs put up fights, but usually fall to favorites in opening day of championships, with Bahrain and DIII teams joining play Thursday.

More US forces needed in Europe to deter Russia, experts say

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The U.S. should continue to support a robust conventional buildup in Eastern Europe to deter further Russian aggression there, panelists told an independent U.S. commission, just days ahead of the president’s rollout of his 2018 budget.

Intel spat adds to Israeli concerns about Trump visit

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When Donald Trump was elected president, Israeli nationalists rejoiced that a reputed strong ally would be moving into the White House. But as Trump prepares to visit the region this weekend, apprehension reigns instead.

US, Europe swap air security information at laptop ban talks

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European Union and U.S. officials swapped information Wednesday about threats involving air travel amid concern that the United States will soon broaden its ban on in-flight laptops and tablets to include planes from Europe.

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NATO top brass recommend joining anti-Islamic State coalition

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NATO top brass are recommending that the military alliance join the international coalition fighting the Islamic State group. NATO Military Committee head General Petr Pavel said Wednesday that "there is a merit for NATO becoming a member of that coalition."

House committee moves bill to prohibit smoking at VA facilities

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The House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs voted unanimously by voice vote Wednesday to move forward with legislation that would immediately ban smoking inside Department of Veterans Affairs facilities and require the agency to eliminate outdoor smoking areas by 2022.

Army, Marine Corps look to lighten load for combat troops

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Now that troops have returned from deployments and training with physical injuries caused by heavy equipment, the military has looked to bring the overall weight of gear down. So the Army and Marine Corps are working together to lighten the things they carry.

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"Спартак" обыграл "Локомотив" в 26-м туре чемпионата России


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