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Новости за 21.05.2017

Return of warlord Hekmatyar adds to Afghan political tensions

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When fugitive warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar returned home to a lavish official welcome last month, abandoning his 16-year insurgency and forgiven for a history of wartime abuses, he was expected to quickly take up the cause of peace and set a conciliatory example for Taliban insurgents.

Biden: It's time for America to regain unity and purpose

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Former Vice President Joe Biden gave assurances Sunday that the country's current divisiveness brought on by a presidential election that "churned up some of the ugliest realities" of society will be temporary.

Trump urges Mideast nations to drive out 'Islamic extremism'

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President Donald Trump on Sunday implored Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries to extinguish "Islamic extremism" emanating from the region, describing a "battle between good and evil" rather than a clash between the West and Islam.

Syria's third largest city Homs clear of opposition

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Syria's government announced Sunday the country's third largest city Homs— once named the capital of the revolt against President Bashar Assad— had been cleared of armed opposition for the first time in more than five years. The announcement follows the completion of the evacuation of the last rebel-held neighborhood.

German woman, Afghan guard killed in Kabul guest house attack

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An unidentified German woman and an Afghan guard were killed at a guest house in the Afghan capital when insurgents stormed the premises late Saturday night, police said. An unidentified Finnish woman was also reported missing and possibly kidnapped after the attack.

US refuses to add sailors' names to Vietnam Memorial

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The USS Frank E. Evans was participating in a nighttime training exercise in the South China Sea when it turned into the path of an Australian aircraft carrier and was split in half.

Nigerian troops battle Boko Haram in Lake Chad area, kill 13

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A spokesman for the Nigerian army says troops fought Boko Haram in the Lake Chad area, killing 13 of the Islamic extremists and arresting 10 others, including 6 women believed to have helped smuggle supplies to the insurgents.

Big day for Big Mamie: Battleship marks 75th anniversary

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The Massachusetts was built between July of 1939 and October of 1941. The ship went out to sea trials in May of 1942. Just six months later, the ship steamed into Casablanca Harbor and won its first battle.

Goodfellow AFB hosts Operation Kids

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The event has been hosted by the base for several years and was expanded last year to include children in the community with no military connection so they can try to have a better appreciation of the military,

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Персональные новости

В Москве завершился Кубок России по спортивному программированию

Trump: Fight against terror a 'battle between good and evil'

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President Donald Trump called on Middle Eastern leaders to combat a "crisis of Islamic extremism" emanating from the region, casting the fight against terrorism as a "battle between good and evil," not a clash between the West and Islam.

Trump, in address to Muslims, urges fight against terror

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Even as his administration fights for its travel ban from several Muslim-majority countries, President Donald Trump is using the nation that is home to Islam's holiest site as a backdrop to call for Muslim unity in the fight against terrorism.

Honoring sons, daughters left behind in Europe

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For years after her infant son died, Mary Petyo couldn’t talk about him. Michael John Petyo died in 1958, two days after he was born prematurely at the Army hospital in Landstuhl.

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В Москве завершился Кубок России по спортивному программированию


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Мирра Андреева установила новый рекорд на турнирах WTA-1000


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Huawei представила IDS на 26-м Всемирном энергетическом конгрессе

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