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Новости за 09.05.2017

Syrian troops and rebels clash near Jordan border

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Syria's military launched a new assault Tuesday aimed at reasserting its authority in the east of the country, battling U.S.-backed opposition fighters in the remote desert near the borders with Iraq and Jordan.

Tunnel with nuclear waste collapses in Washington state

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A portion of a tunnel containing buried rail cars full of radioactive waste collapsed Tuesday at a sprawling storage facility, forcing an evacuation of some workers at the site that made plutonium for nuclear weapons for decades after World War II.

South Sudan says divisive army chief of staff removed

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South Sudan's army chief of staff, who had been proposed for U.N. sanctions and accused of directing last year's fighting in the capital that left hundreds dead, has been removed from his post, a presidential spokesman said Tuesday.

Carter fears global effect of new US human rights policies

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As the Trump administration signals a de-emphasis of human rights in U.S. foreign policy decisions, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter said Tuesday that he's concerned America's approach will erode support for such rights in other countries.

Lockheed's Marine helicopter seen costing more, taking longer

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Lockheed Martin Corp.'s new King Stallion helicopter for the Marine Corps is likely to cost $144 million each, 4 percent more than projected by the service, and be ready to deploy a year later than planned, according to the Pentagon's cost assessment office.

Dunford: US troop increase in Afghanistan depends on NATO contribution

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The number of troops that the United States will add to the fight in Afghanistan will depend on how many additional forces NATO supplies to expand the battle against terrorists there, Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Tuesday.

Pentagon to arm Syrian Kurds for Raqqa fight

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The United States will directly supply military gear to the Syrian Kurdish militia that it has long supported in the fight against the Islamic State despite Turkish objections, Pentagon officials said Tuesday.

Why we must set a maximum wage for CEOs

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Executive pay should be determined by truly independent entities, and should be linked with long-term benefits for the whole range of stakeholders, not just shareholders.

McCain: US 'woefully unprepared' to fight Russian cyber attacks

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Russian meddling in elections around the world is not slowing, and the United States does not have full capability to defend its key infrastructure from their rapidly growing cyber threats, Adm. Michael Rogers, director of the national security agency and the U.S. Cyber Command, acknowledged Tuesday.

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Chinese coast guard group enters Japanese territorial waters

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Four Chinese government vessels — including one with what appeared to be a gun turret — entered Japanese territorial waters near a contested island group Monday, the latest in a series of challenges to Japanese sovereignty in the East China Sea.

Why Led Zeppelin didn't make mix cut for 'Guardians 2'

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If you were looking for the ultimate exemplar of early '70s soft rock, you could hardly do better than the 1972 song "Brandy (You're a Fine Girl)" by the largely forgotten one hit wonder Looking Glass.

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