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Новости за 13.05.2017

'Perfect storm' of conditions helped cyberattack succeed

Stars and Stripes 

The cyberextortion attack hitting dozens of countries spread quickly and widely thanks to an unusual confluence of factors: a known and highly dangerous security hole in Microsoft Windows, tardy users who didn't apply Microsoft's March software fix, and a software design that allowed the malware to spread quickly once inside university, business and government networks.

Maryland bridge dedicated in soldier's memory

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On Friday morning under gray skies, family, friends and dignitaries gathered along Route 2 South to dedicate the South River Bridge in honor of U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Christopher Swanson, who was killed by a sniper on his third tour of Iraq on July 22, 2006.

Egypt calls for lifting of arms embargo on Libya

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Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi reiterated a call on the international community to lift an arms embargo on Libya on Saturday, which would allow weapons to be delivered legally to a powerful general he backs in the fractured country's east.

Poland unveils memorial to WWII hero slain by communists

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Warsaw's mayor on Saturday unveiled a monument to a World War II hero who volunteered to go to the Auschwitz death camp and informed firsthand on atrocities there but later was killed by the communist regime.

ISIS downs Iraqi helicopter west of Mosul

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Iraq's joint operations command says an Iraqi air force helicopter has been downed west of Mosul after coming under fire from Islamic State militants.

Kurdish-led forces advance on ISIS-held Raqqa, say activists

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Syrian Kurdish-led forces were closing in Saturday on the de-facto capital of the Islamic State in Syria, seizing a cotton mill only a couple of miles north of the city and clashing with the militant group on a number of fronts, activists and Kurdish media reported.

Nations assess cyberattack damages; UK focuses on hospitals

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Teams of technicians were working "round the clock" Saturday to restore hospital computer systems in Britain and check transport services in other nations after a global cyberattack that hit dozens of countries crippled the U.K.'s health system. In Russia, where a wide array of systems came under attack, officials said services had been restored or the virus contained.

Medal of Honor recipient tells his harrowing story at Naples bases

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To hear Gary Littrell recount the relentless four-day enemy assault on his battalion in Vietnam is to understand why the Medal of Honor recipient earned the military’s most prestigious award. And why many recipients don't live to talk about it.

Visit Florida from Syria? Tourism agency makes error

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Florida's tourism marketing agency, which has come under fire in the past year for signing a secret contract with rapper Pitbull and other expenses, was forced this week to sign a new contract with an advertising firm after a newspaper pointed out the initial contract called for advertising to potential Syrian tourists.

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Captain of shipwrecked Costa cruise liner heads to jail

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The Italian captain of the Costa Concordia cruise liner that crashed into a reef in 2012 and capsized, killing 32 people, was headed to a Rome prison after losing his final appeals bid Friday.

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Прокуратура Москвы: тело мужчины нашли в лесопарке в Сокольниках

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Петербургский автопром вышел из кризиса, заявил Беглов

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Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

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