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Новости за 23.05.2017

Idaho wants to identify veterans monuments, memorials

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Idaho is trying to identify all the monuments and memorials to the military and veterans in the state. The public can participate by posting information online at a website called historypin.

China calls for new talks with North Korea on nukes

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China's U.N. ambassador said Tuesday that multiple North Korean nuclear and ballistic missile tests, with no end in sight, show the "very strong" need for new talks with Pyongyang to reduce tensions and try to achieve denuclearization.

Fake Navy SEAL gets 4 years in prison

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A 68-year-old Wisconsin man who falsely claimed to be a Navy SEAL wounded four times in Vietnam has been sentenced to four years in prison for theft and faking paperwork. He also claimed he was awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart.

Brussels-bound Trump armed with demands for NATO

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When President Donald Trump arrives at NATO headquarters on Thursday, allies will be under intense pressure to live up to demands from an American administration that has threatened to make the thorny issue of increased allied defense spending a condition for guaranteeing U.S. commitment to 68-year-old military pact.

Army: $8 billion budget increase in 2018 to fund anti-ISIS operations, modernization

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President Donald Trump’s administration has requested $166.1 billion for the Army in its proposed budget for fiscal year 2018, which if passed would represent the second consecutive year of increased funding to the service to restore forces and equipment used in operations against the Islamic State and to ramp up U.S. presence in Europe.

World War II veteran's Purple Heart turned over to his daughter

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The medal had been placed in a safety deposit box and was "lost" until it was reported as unclaimed property in 1993. "I knew he was wounded. I knew he was in World War II, but I didn't know he earned the Purple Heart until I was called a few weeks ago," said Connie Barr.

Navy lacrosse heads to its first Final Four with help

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Alumni of the Navy women's lacrosse team poured into Chapel Hill, North Carolina, on flights and in cars, coming not just from the Washington area but from Naval installations in Virginia, Texas, California and Hawaii to see their Mids make history.

Trey Gowdy poised to seize House Oversight gavel after Jason Chaffetz departs

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Gowdy, who led the two-year House Benghazi probe, has secured near-unanimous support among members of the House Republican Steering Committee - the 36-member body that selects committee chairmen - and one key potential rival said Monday that he would not seek the Oversight gavel.

Somali suicide bomber kills 4 at Puntland checkpoint

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A suicide bomber blew himself up at a military checkpoint in northern Somalia's semiautonomous state of Puntland, killing at least four people, a Somali police officer said Tuesday.

Blood, horror, shock as bomber strikes young crowd

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For a crowd of mostly young British music fans, the Ariana Grande concert was supposed to be a school night out enjoying cheerful high-energy pop. It quickly turned into sheer terror instead.

Blood, horror as bomber strikes young crowd

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For the young crowd of music fans, the Ariana Grande concert was supposed to be a night of high-energy candy pop. But the fun on a school night quickly turned into sheer terror.

Trump touts ultimate peace, but same obstacles remain

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President Donald Trump showered his Middle Eastern hosts with praise and declared a breakthrough regional peace within reach. No one contradicted him, but behind the pageantry and politesse a wall of skepticism remains solidly intact.

Top official says US hasn't verified ISIS claim on Manchester bombing

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The United States' top intelligence official says the U.S. government has not yet verified that the Islamic State group is responsible for the attack in Manchester, England, but called the deadly incident a stark reminder of how serious the terror threat remains.

Marine Corps veteran mails 3,000th care package to troops in Afghanistan

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Among Marines, Don Downer has become known as the "Spam Czar" because a signature care package item is a can of Spam. His 3,000th care package also included magazines; foot powder; Tobasco sauce; Vienna sausage; sunflower seeds; Pop-Tarts; and Cracker Jacks.

Philippine troops battle ISIS-linked gunmen in southern city

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Philippine troops battled heavily armed militants allied with the Islamic State group on Tuesday in an effort to capture a top extremist suspect in a southern city where the gunmen burned houses to sow confusion during the fighting.

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Explosions strike Syria's Damascus and Homs, 4 killed

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An explosion claimed by the Islamic State group in the central Syrian city of Homs on Tuesday killed at least four people and wounded more than two dozen, Syria's state media and the militant group reported.

Police find Nazi items, explosives during murder probe in Florida

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A Florida teenager killed two roommates who had once shared his neo-Nazi beliefs before he converted to Islam, police and the FBI said. A fourth roommate, a member of the Florida National Guard, was arrested on charges related to the alleged discovery of bomb-making materials.

Ex-CIA chief concerned over Trump campaign Kremlin contacts

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Former CIA Director John Brennan said Tuesday he personally warned Russia last summer against interfering in the U.S. presidential campaign, telling the Russians that continued meddling would backfire and prevent any warming of relations after the election.

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В Москве завершился Кубок России по спортивному программированию


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Мария стала соперницей Азаренко на турнире WTA в Мадриде


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Экология в России и мире

Huawei представила IDS на 26-м Всемирном энергетическом конгрессе

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время движения поездов от Москвы до курортов Черноморского побережья до 16 часов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Сергей Трофимов выступит с летним концертом в Зеленом Театре ВДНХ


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