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Новости за 02.05.2017

McCain: Army secretary nominee's past comments 'very concerning'

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The chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee said Tuesday that Army secretary nominee Mark Green’s past comments about gays and lesbians and Muslims are “very concerning” and that Green must explain himself to the committee.

‘Seven Wings to Glory’ a nuanced portrayal of military relationships

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Kathleen M. Rodgers knows that deployments, homecomings and transitions are only a few of the threads giving texture to the lives of military families. In her latest book, “Seven Wings to Glory,” published in April, Rodgers draws on her experiences as an Air Force wife and Army mom to create a nuanced portrayal of military connectedness.

May 3 p.m. -- Epic reunion for a power duo

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To say that Jude Law is director Guy Ritchie's muse might be an overstatement, but the pair have worked together on three feature films (plus a Dior Homme ad campaign) in just the last eight years.

Civil War soldier finally laid to rest in Barbourville, Kentucky

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Private Benjamin Shorter died in a Nashville field hospital on December 20, 1862 and was buried in the Nashville City Cemetery. In 1869, all Union soldiers were relocated to the Nashville National Cemetery in graves marked simply by a row and column number.

House packed with families became death trap in Iraq's Mosul

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After an American airstrike killed more than 100 Iraqi civilians in a house in the western part of Mosul in March, U.S. officials suggested the Islamic State group was to blame for the horrific toll, saying militants may have crammed the building with people, booby-trapped it with explosives, then lured in an airstrike by firing from the roof.

Lawmakers again trying to reduce time that veterans wait for benefits

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Congress is trying again to shorten the amount of time that veterans must wait to receive their government benefits, which has climbed to an average of three years if a veteran is forced to appeal a claim that is denied, a Department of Veterans Affairs official said Tuesday.

September 'shutdown' needed, Trump tweets, to fix Senate 'mess'

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President Donald Trump tweeted Tuesday that the nation "needs a good 'shutdown' in September" to fix a "mess" in the Senate, issuing contradictory messages ahead of key votes on a spending plan to keep the federal government running.

Gunmen kill 3 police in Egypt's capital

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Gunmen attacked a police patrol in Cairo, killing three policemen and wounding five before fleeing the scene, Egypt's Interior Ministry said Tuesday.

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Trump’s comments on N. Korea sow confusion, but that may be the point

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President Donald Trump opened the door for possible talks with North Korea, saying he would be willing to talk to leader Kim Jong Un. At the same time, the United States was putting its military prowess on display in a reminder that the new administration is keeping all options on the table.

His career skyrocketing, family comes first for Pratt

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There’s not much time for daydreaming when your life is as mapped out as Chris Pratt’s. In less than three years, Pratt has gone from underdog to full-fledged movie star, with fortuitously timed leading roles in three of Hollywood’s most promising franchises, “Guardians of the Galaxy,” ‘’Jurassic World” and “The Lego Movie.” With global box office receipts for the three films approaching around $2.9 billion, all wildly surpassed expectations and birthed plans for sequels.

Putin tells Merkel he's eager to discuss Ukraine, Syria

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Russian President Vladimir Putin welcomed German Chancellor Angela Merkel to his Black Sea residence on Tuesday for talks expected to focus on the unresolved conflict in eastern Ukraine and the civil war in Syria.

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