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Новости за 12.05.2017

GOP leaders dismiss Comey firing as fleeting political drama

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Chaos is President Donald Trump's style, yet as long as the Republican delivers on health care, taxes and tapping a new FBI director as solid as his Supreme Court pick, GOP leaders say everything will be just fine.

2 new initiatives for US veterans' care coming to Colorado

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Two civilian initiatives are coming to Colorado to help veterans and their families deal with traumatic brain injuries, post-traumatic stress and other problems, the University of Colorado said Friday.

Cyberattack cripples computers worldwide

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A cyberweapon believed to have escaped the control of the United States’ top-secret National Security Agency appears to be behind a massive wave of cyber ransom attacks Friday in scores of countries around the globe that researchers said was the largest computer hack ever.

Dozens of countries hit by huge cyberextortion attack

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The attack was believed to the biggest attempt at cyberextortion ever recorded. Dozens of countries were affected by the malware which locked up computers and held users' files for ransom at a multitude of hospitals, companies and government agencies.

Global extortion cyberattack hits dozens of nations

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A huge extortion cyberattack hit dozens of nations Friday, holding computer data for ransom at hospitals, telecommunications firms and other companies. The attack appeared to exploit a vulnerability purportedly identified for use by the U.S. National Security Agency and later leaked to the internet.

Chinese spent $24 billion on US, other 'golden visas'

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When the sister of President Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner promoted investment in her family's new skyscraper from a Beijing hotel ballroom stage earlier this month, she was pitching a controversial American visa program that's proven irresistible to tens of thousands of Chinese.

Seeking employment: Terrorist who flipped on al-Qaida

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As mid-career resumes go, this one's a doozy: Bryant Neal Vinas tried to kill U.S. troops in Afghanistan, advised al-Qaida on potential bombing targets, then morphed into a prized informer for the U.S. government. After eight years in solitary confinement, the 34-year-old New Yorker is set to become a free man. Which raises the question: What in the world does he do next?

US scrambles to shore up Afghanistan war effort

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On his first overseas trip since being sworn in, President Donald Trump will continue to push NATO allies to increase defense spending and invest more in the fight in Afghanistan. That message could fall flat with some allies.

Stanley Weston, who conceived of G.I. Joe, dies at 84

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Barbie was already the doll of choice in America when it dawned on Stanley Weston that young boys ought to have an equal. So G.I. Joe came marching into the toy stores. But the man who conceived G.I. Joe reaped few of the financial rewards.

NASA study warns against putting crew on huge rocket's first flight

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A NASA working group has concluded after a two-month review that sending astronauts on the first flight of its massive new rocket wouldn't be feasible due to the immense costs of safely accommodating a crew on the planned 2019 mission, the first step in America's return to human space exploration.

Russian jet buzzed US Navy plane over Black Sea

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A Russian fighter jet intercepted a U.S. Navy spy plane this week in neutral airspace over the Black Sea, flying within 20 feet of the American aircraft, a Pentagon spokesman said Friday.

Assault rifles, pistol stolen from German military vehicle

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The German Defense Ministry says two assault rifles and a pistol have been stolen from inside an armored vehicle at a military facility in northern Germany, in another embarrassment for the armed forces.

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Review: 'King Arthur' is different, but not great

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It’s bold, it’s daring, it’s a black metal acid trip. It will most likely give you motion sickness. It’s Guy Ritchie’s take on the King Arthur story, so naturally, this King Arthur (Charlie Hunnam) is really into bare-knuckle boxing, (see Ritchie’s “Sherlock Holmes” and “Snatch”). “King Arthur: Legend of the Sword” is unlike any other medieval warfare and sorcery movie ever committed to film, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good. This King Arthur superhero origin story is strange, invigorating... Читать дальше...

Спорт в России и мире

Команда Орловской области стала победителем хоккейного турнира среди команд Черноземья


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Даниил Медведев

Медведев рассказал, что у него не получилось в первом сете матча с Арнальди в Мадриде


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Париж решил показать, что такое ядерное сдерживание России по-французски

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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