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Новости за 20.05.2017

Report: China cripples CIA operations, kills informants

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The New York Times is reporting that the Chinese government "systematically dismantled" CIA spying operations in China starting in late 2010. The Times reports that the Chinese government killed or imprisoned at least a dozen CIA sources over the next two years.

Unruly, 'disheveled' man subdued on jet heading to Hawaii

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A man on a Hawaii-bound flight described as unruly and disheveled was subdued by passengers and a flight attendant who used an airplane drink cart to block him from getting to the front of the jet. He was then immobilized with duct tape in a seat until the plane landed in Honolulu Friday, escorted on the last leg of its journey by two fighter jets.

Saudis welcome Trump with gold medal, receive arms package

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The visit to the kingdom's capital kicked off Trump's first foreign trip as president, an ambitious, five-stop swing that will take him through the Middle East and into Europe. He is the only American president to make Saudi Arabia — or any Muslim-majority nation — his first overseas trip.

Trump calls first day in Saudi Arabia 'tremendous'

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The visit to the kingdom's capital kicked off Trump's first foreign trip as president, an ambitious, five-stop swing that will take him through the Middle East and into Europe. He is the only American president to make Saudi Arabia — or any Muslim-majority nation — his first overseas trip.

Visiting destroyer crew has 1 goal before departing Juneau, Alaska

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Two months out from their home port of Pearl Harbor, the crew of the destroyer USS O'Kane has a top priority as they visit Juneau for five days. "It's food," said Cmdr. Colby Sherwood, Commanding Officer of the O'Kane. "Food and booze," clarified Rhiannon Ladwig, a sailor sitting in the O'Kane's mess on Monday.

Saudi Arabia retaliates for rocket attack by Houthis

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The Saudi-led coalition battling Shiite Houthi rebels in Yemen says it has intercepted a Saudi-bound rocket fired by rebels from a military base south of the Houthi-held capital.

Navy's hardest-punching but aging warship has no replacement in sight

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No Navy surface ship throws a harder punch than the Bunker Hill, a cruiser armed with a high-tech battery of missile tubes and advanced sensors that probe for faraway targets to destroy. The Bunker Hill is slated to deploy this autumn alongside the Roosevelt, and then its lifespan wanes. The Navy plans to decommission the Ticonderoga-class cruiser in 2019, mothballing it after 33 years of service.

1st women finish enlisted infantry training, become Army infantrymen

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Moments before 18 women were about to walk across Inouye Field at Fort Benning to become brand new privates and specialists, a female drill sergeant offered clarity. “This is a big deal,” she said to the younger women Friday morning on the grounds of the National Infantry Museum and Soldier Center. “You are making f---ing history.”

Iraq's special forces shrink ISIS stronghold in western Mosul

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Iraq's special forces declared their aspect of the mission to reclaim Mosul completed on Saturday. However heavy fighting still looms between other Iraqi forces and the Islamic State group as IS clings to a dwindling portion of Iraq's second largest city.

Last batch of rebels leaving central Homs in Syria

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The final batch of opposition fighters and their families began leaving a besieged neighborhood in the central city of Homs Saturday, a move that will bring the country's third largest city under full government control for the first time in years.

Macron calls for countries' support in fighting extremism

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On his first official trip outside Europe, new French President Emmanuel Macron on Friday highlighted his determination to crush extremism but said "other countries can do more" to help protect Europe from the threat. He was visiting France's largest overseas military operation, which is combating jihadist groups in West Africa.

Freed Nigerian schoolgirls meet families after 3 years

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The 82 Nigerian schoolgirls recently released after more than three years in Boko Haram captivity reunited with their families Saturday as anxious parents looked for signs of how deeply the extremists had changed their daughters' lives.

Montana Republican goes from wary Trump backer to all-in

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When Donald Trump visited Montana last year, technology entrepreneur Greg Gianforte was running on the GOP ticket for governor and made it a point to avoid his party's likely presidential nominee, but later he reluctantly pledged support for Trump. Now, he's trying to win an open seat in Congress and has gone all in on Trump.

In Saudi Arabia, Melania Trump opts to keep her head bare

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Ignoring President Donald Trump's past admonition, U.S. first lady Melania Trump did not cover her head Saturday when they arrived in Saudi Arabia on the opening leg of his first international tour since taking office.

Investigators try to figure out why man disruptive on flight

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A man on a Hawaii-bound flight described as unruly and disheveled was subdued by passengers and a flight attendant who used an airplane drink cart to block him from getting to the front of the jet. He was then immobilized with duct tape in a seat until the plane landed in Honolulu Friday, escorted on the last leg of its journey by two fighter jets.

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New York enclave with Nazi roots agrees to change policies

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An enclave of former summer bungalows, where Nazi sympathizers once proudly marched near streets named for Adolf Hitler and other Third Reich figures, is being forced to end policies that limited ownership to people of German descent.

Severe weather creates havoc across Germany

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Thunderstorms have created havoc across Germany leading to the derailment of a train with seven people injured, flight cancellations at Hamburg's airport and a mudslide on a highway in the eastern part of the country.

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Экология в России и мире

Учения по ликвидации лесных пожаров прошли в Богородском округе

Путин в России и мире

Путин поздравил Леонида Рошаля с днем рождения

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Басманный суд Москвы арестовал продюсера Reuters Константина Габова за помощь ФБК в подготовке материалов

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