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Новости за 28.03.2017

Lockheed's Hewson turned Trump from foe to friend on the F-35

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Lockheed Martin’s experience in taming President Trump on the F-35 stealth fighter jet doesn't just give a revealing look at the White House, it offers a high-profile window into the modus operandi of Marillyn Hewson, who’s led the sprawling corporation since the start of 2013.

Russian Manafort client: Willing to speak to Congress

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A Russian billionaire who is close to President Vladimir Putin says he is willing to take part in congressional hearings to discuss his dealings with President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort.

EUCOM chief: US should provide weapons to Ukraine

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The United States should provide weapons to the Ukrainian military to support its fight against Russian-backed rebels, the top American general in Europe told lawmakers on Tuesday.

3 Kashmir civilians killed in protests against Indian rule

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Three civilians were killed and 28 other people were injured in anti-India protests that erupted Tuesday following a gunbattle between rebels and government forces that killed a rebel in disputed Kashmir, police and witnesses said.

'Carlos the Jackal' sentenced to life for 1974 attack

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A French court on Tuesday convicted the man known as "Carlos the Jackal," once the world's most-wanted fugitive, of a deadly 1974 attack on a Paris shopping arcade and sentenced him to life in prison for the third time.

German state warns Gulen followers of Turkish spy efforts

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German officials on Tuesday warned Turkey against spying on its territory, after Ankara allegedly sought Berlin's help in eavesdropping on hundreds of Turks in Germany thought to be supporters of U.S.-based cleric Fethullah Gulen.

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Валерий Гергиев

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Iraqi forces grateful for US support in Islamic State fight, even as battle turns messy

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A recent airstrike that killed hundreds of civilians has stirred controversy about the operation, which has stalled in the city’s densely packed western half. But the Iraqis at this base, who have been mainly operating south and west of Mosul to cut off the militants’ escape route into Syria, say the American support is helping win battles and save lives.

Government watchdog to review Trump's use of Mar-a-Lago

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A government watchdog agency, the Government Accountability Office, has agreed to review the costs and security precautions associated with President Donald Trump's travel and stays at Mar-a-Lago after a request for inquiry from leading Democrats on Capitol Hill.

Russia general claims US-led coalition hit dam in Syria

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A senior Russian general on Tuesday criticized the U.S.-led coalition fighting Islamic State militants for allegedly targeting Syria's infrastructure — including a key dam — in territory held by the Sunni extremist group.

White House plan to help pay for border wall is a long shot

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The White House is calling for immediate budget cuts of $18 billion from programs like medical research, infrastructure and community development grants to help pay for the border wall that President Donald Trump repeatedly promised would be financed by Mexico.

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Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»


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