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Новости за 16.03.2017

Intel senators: No indication Trump Tower was surveilled

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There is no indication that Trump Tower was "the subject of surveillance" by the U.S. government before or after the 2016 election, the top two members of the Senate intelligence committee said Thursday, directly contradicting President Donald Trump's claims.

Were store brands used to dampen commissary savings targets?

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Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) officials say they correctly calculated the “baseline” shopper savings that Congress insisted be verified and preserved as commissaries are transformed into more business-like grocery operations.

Trump’s budget makes sweeping cuts to EPA and State, while boosting defense spending

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The Trump administration proposed dramatic cuts Thursday to environmental protection, diplomacy and housing assistance as part of a budget blueprint that would ramp up defense spending and commit more than $4 billion for construction of a border wall with Mexico, setting up a battle with Democrats and potentially even fellow Republicans over government spending priorities.

UN ambassador Haley: 'We should never trust Russia'

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U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said unequivocally in an interview that aired Thursday that Russia should "never" be trusted — a far tougher stance than the one taken by her boss, President Donald Trump.

Iraq, US offer differing accounts of progress in Mosul

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Iraqi and U.S. commanders offered conflicting accounts Thursday of progress in western Mosul, where U.S.-backed Iraqi forces have been battling the Islamic State group for nearly a month as they try to retake the remainder of the city.

Documents detail Flynn payments from Russian interests

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Documents released in a congressional inquiry show former national security adviser Michael Flynn was paid more than $33,750 by RT, Russia's government-run television system, for appearing at a Moscow event in December 2015. Flynn had retired months earlier as head of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency.

Trump's budget: Build up military, build the wall

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President Donald Trump unveiled a $1.15 trillion budget Thursday, proposing a far-reaching overhaul of federal spending that would slash many domestic programs to finance a big increase for the military and make a down payment on a U.S.-Mexico border wall.

Bikers patch up rides, recount experiences

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The return home from Vietnam was so emotionally taxing, for years biker Jules Shubuck kept his military service mostly to himself. "I was in the closet, so to speak," Shubuck said. Then, in 2006, he rode from California to Washington D.C., to the Vietnam Memorial.

Civil War leader honored

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Winners of the National Medal of Honor represent some of the best that the U.S. military has to offer and on March 25 — National Medal of Honor Day — people in Franklin County will have the chance to celebrate someone who won the National Medal of Honor right in their backyard.

VA one of few agencies Trump recommends for budget increase

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President Donald Trump on Thursday proposed a 6 percent boost in funding in 2018 for the Department of Veterans Affairs – one of the few significant increases in a budget blueprint that includes cuts to most federal agencies.

House panel approves troubled GOP health care bill

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The House Budget Committee voted narrowly Thursday to advance the troubled Republican health care bill, with defections by three GOP conservatives underscoring the obstacles party leaders face in maneuvering to avoid a stinging setback to their showpiece legislation.

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Анастасия Волочкова

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Заместитель генерального директора сети клиник «Евроонко» выступил на конференции онкологов в Белгороде

Air Force identifies crew members killed in aircraft crash

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The Air Force on Thursday released the identities of three service members killed Tuesday night in the crash of a reconnaissance and surveillance plane during a training flight in eastern New Mexico.

US halts visas for Afghans who aided American forces

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Afghans who aided U.S. forces fighting the Taliban can no longer receive special visas for their service, at least until year’s end, said U.S. senators and advocates who are trying to pass legislation to restart the flow of newcomers.

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