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Новости за 05.03.2017

Defense investors fear Trump's plan will meet gridlock

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Donald Trump's presidency was quickly seen as a win for defense companies, who hope to benefit from what the commander in chief has vowed would be a military buildup of historic proportions. But after weeks of euphoric stock valuations, some analysts are warning such optimism could be misplaced given the dynamics in Congress.

What people are saying about White House call for inquiry

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Reaction to the White House's demand Sunday that Congress, through its intelligence committees, investigate whether former President Barack Obama abused his executive powers in connection with that campaign.

Robots take center stage at Aviano tech challenge

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International teams from Netherlands and Germany showed eight teams from Department of Defense Education Activity schools that they’ve got some work to do if they want to compete against the best in the world.

2 vets win Agent Orange exposure cases from Okinawa

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There have long been rumors that Agent Orange was stored or used on Okinawa, but no one has been able to find proof. Now two servicemembers who served on the Japanese island during the Vietnam War era have won court cases claiming they developed ailments from exposure to the toxic defoliant.

Russia: 1 dead, 3 detained in operation against IS cell

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Russian authorities say one person has been killed and three others detained in an operation to break up a sleeper cell of the Islamic State in the country's restive southern region of Dagestan.

Offering no evidence, White House calls for probe into Trump wiretap claims

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A former senior-level intelligence official flatly denied that President Donald Trump or his campaign aides were wiretapped using intelligence authorities during the 2016 election, just minutes after the White House - offering no evidence - called for an investigation into Trump's claim that then-President Barack Obama had ordered such surveillance.

Ex-intel chief denies wiretapping; White House pushes ahead

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The White House said Sunday that Congress should expand its investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election to include President Donald Trump's unverified allegation that former President Barack Obama stepped over the legal line in the campaign.

Turning point: Germany hoped to close border in 2015, didn't

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Welt am Sonntag reports Chancellor Angela Merkel and her ministers agreed to send thousands of police to shut the frontier the following evening, but the plan was halted hours before it was due to take effect.

Official says Iran indicts nuclear negotiation team member

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Iran's judiciary has indicted a member of the country's team that negotiated the nuclear deal with world powers, a spokesman said Sunday, likely an Iranian-Canadian national previously detained by authorities on suspicion of espionage.

Turkey accuses Germany of 'Nazi' practices; rift deepens

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A diplomatic rift between Turkey and key European nations deepened Sunday as President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused Germany of "Nazi practices," days after a local authority prevented a Turkish minister from addressing a rally.

A flag goes home: 'enemies then, friends now'

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At a short presentation inside the Air Heritage Museum, the granddaughter of a U.S. Marine handed a silk "good luck flag" to the nephew of a Japanese soldier killed in 1945

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San Jose race honors WWII vet

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During the sixth-annual race Sunday morning benefitting the Pat Tillman Foundation, dozens of veterans and neighbors plan to line the same block of Emory Street where runners in 2014 veered off course to shake Joe Bell's hand and thank him for his service.

UN says 66,000 displaced in 5 months of north Syria fighting

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Turkish, Syrian government, Syrian opposition, and autonomous Kurdish-led forces have all been jostling for territory formerly held by the Islamic State group near the Turkish-Syrian frontier, as preparations are being made to attack the extremists' de facto capital, Raqqa.

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