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Новости за 02.03.2017

Air Force focuses on developing mental side of QB Arion Worthman's game

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Arion Worthman showed up to practice Tuesday wearing a GoPro video camera secured at eye level on the side of his helmet. The coaches want to know exactly what he is seeing, so they can help understand - and then improve - the decisions he's making both before and after the snap.

Veterans chapter in Florida hopes to rebuild burned clubhouse

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A fire destroyed the clubhouse for the United States Military Vets Motorcycle Club Stonecold Chapter in Florida. There was no insurance on the building, but the veterans are planning on building a new clubhouse.

Turkey asks US to force Kurd fighters to quit Syrian town

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Turkey vowed to capture a Syrian town if the U.S. doesn't clear out the Kurdish fighters who control it, signaling its patience has worn thin over Washington's backing of the militia -- a partner in the campaign against Islamic State.

Navy releases video of Russian aircraft buzzing USS Porter

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The guided-missile destroyer had recently finished participating in a Romanian-led multinational exercise when the ship was approached Feb. 10 by multiple aircraft that did not have their identifying transponders on, according to U.S. European Command.

20 US airstrikes in Yemen target al-Qaida, kill at least 4 militants

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U.S. jets and drones conducted more than 20 airstrikes against al-Qaida targets in Yemen on Thursday, roughly one month after U.S. special operators carried out a raid in the same province that led to the death of a Navy SEAL, Pentagon officials said.

VA costs could balloon with 'choice' reform, new Agent Orange ailments

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Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary David J. Shulkin announced this week that his priorities for improving services to veterans include expanding their access to private-sector health care in part by asking Congress to remove two irksome cost controls.

New Interior secretary arrives on horseback

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Arriving on horseback Thursday, newly-minted Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke pledged he would devote more resources to national parks, boost the morale of department employees and bolster the sovereignty of American Indian tribes.

Calls grow for Sessions to withdraw from Russia probe

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A growing number of Republicans joined Democratic leaders Thursday in calling for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to step aside from an investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 White House election.

Juncker: EU should be 'soft power' amid defense pressure

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The head of the European Union's executive branch is stressing the importance of development aid, saying that the bloc should remain a "soft power" even as members face pressure to ramp up defense spending.

As Marines prepare to head to Helmand, the fallen are remembered

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Just weeks before a contingent of Marines heads to Helmand province on a mission to train and advise Afghan soldiers and police, a memorial was unveiled at the U.S. Embassy here honoring lethernecks and corpsmen who have died during the 16-year war in Afghanistan.

Wave of US airstrikes target al-Qaida in Yemen

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U.S. forces carried out more than 20 airstrikes against al-Qaida in Yemen on Thursday, killing at least seven militants in the largest operation since a ground raid a month ago that left a Navy SEAL and more than two dozen Yemenis dead.

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Navy's 3rd Fleet splashes through the South China Sea

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When the Navy’s supercarrier Carl Vinson slipped out of San Diego nearly two months ago and steamed toward Hawaii, it marked the first time since World War II that the Third Fleet prowled the Pacific Ocean under its own command.

US: Kurds to take part in action to retake Raqqa

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Forces combating the Islamic State in Syria should focus on defeating the militants rather than wasting energy and resources fighting among themselves, the head of the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq and Syria said Wednesday.

Спорт в России и мире

Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»


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