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Новости за 03.03.2017

Navy SEAL death in Yemen raid not undergoing larger review

Stars and Stripes 

A more in-depth investigation into the death of the Navy SEAL during a controversial U.S. military raid in Yemen has not been ordered, despite being announced earlier this week, defense officials said Friday.

Is Yucca Mountain once again America’s nuclear waste dump?

Stars and Stripes 

Thirty years after Nevada’s Yucca Mountain was designated as America’s only dumping ground for nuclear waste, not a single isotope has been sent there. But times changed dramatically this year. Suddenly, Yucca Mountain is being discussed again.

Gold Star families voice support for Navy widow's decision to attend Trump speech

Stars and Stripes 

The families of U.S. service members who have died while serving their country are split on how they see President Donald Trump's recognition of a recent military widow at his first joint address to Congress, but they almost universally support her decision to accept Trump's invitation to attend in the Capitol.

Last 3 planes from Navy patrol squadron to leave this week

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It’s the end of an era for Navy patrol squadrons that have flown the sub-hunting and surveillance P-3 Orion out of Hawaii for more than half a century. The final three planes of Patrol Squadron 9, or VP-9, are expected to wing away from Kaneohe Bay by week’s end with about 60 crew and maintainers on a deployment that started in Hawaii but will end at the squadron’s new home at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island in Washington.

Montenegro pro-Russian leaders seek Bannon help against NATO

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Pro-Russian opposition leaders in Montenegro have asked the White House chief strategist to help block the Balkan country's NATO bid, saying the Obama administration has presented false facts about its readiness to join the Western military alliance.

Egypt’s Mubarak acquitted in final ruling on 2011 protester deaths

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Egypt’s highest criminal court on Thursday acquitted former President Hosni Mubarak of charges of complicity in the deaths of hundreds of demonstrators who fought to unseat him in 2011, a verdict that potentially sets the stage for the one-time strongman to go free.

Russia-gate began like Watergate — with a break-in that few noticed

Stars and Stripes 

If there were a starting point for the political turmoil around members of Donald Trump’s inner circle and their ties to Russia, it likely would be last June 15. On that day, news broke of a computer penetration. It seemed like a minor event and was barely noted in newscasts, not unlike the famous political break-in 44 years earlier at the Watergate complex that became synonymous with political scandal.

Rival groups race for control of Syria's Raqqa

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A major battle to liberate the Islamic State group's stronghold of Raqqa in northern Syria is looming, with U.S. officials looking to build on momentum from victories on the battlefields of Mosul in Iraq. The Pentagon has drawn up a secret plan to do that, likely leaning on local allies with stepped-up American support.

US steps up in Somalia as al-Shabab proves a stubborn foe

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With frequent suicide bombings and assaults on Somalia's hotels and military targets, the Islamic militant group al-Shabab has proved more resilient than expected, leading President Donald Trump's administration to pursue wider military involvement here as current strategies are not enough, security experts say.

Trump is right to spend more on defense; here's how to do so wisely

Stars and Stripes 

In his address Tuesday to Congress, President Donald Trump promised to make sure that the U.S. military gets what it needs to carry out its mission by securing "one of the largest increases in national defense spending in American history." More funding would surely be a good thing, although the issues of how much and what for are complicated. No one should be under any illusions that a higher Defense Department top line guarantees a more capable armed forces.

Syrian troops clear explosives after taking Palmyra from Islamic State

Stars and Stripes 

Syrian army units were clearing land mines and explosives left behind by Islamic State militants in the historic town of Palmyra on Friday, a day after government troops and allied militiamen recaptured it from the extremists, a Syrian security official said.

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Civilians treated for apparent chemical agent exposure near Mosul

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Five children and two women were receiving treatment this week for apparent exposure to a blistering chemical agent near Mosul, the Islamic State group’s last major stronghold in Iraq, the International Committee of the Red Cross said Friday.

Putin invented this toxic ambassador game

Stars and Stripes 

As a new Russia-related scandal sweeps Washington, it’s impossible not to recall President Vladimir Putin’s efforts in 2012 to make meetings with the U.S. ambassador to Moscow toxic.

The truth about Trump’s worrisome war on media

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Enough Americans have witnessed or perceived media misinterpretations and bias to enjoy seeing its elite members handed back some guff, even crudely. And there’s now a vibrant, imperfect social media on 24-hour online patrol.

Railroad thefts and guns: A deadly mix in Chicago

Stars and Stripes 

When street-gang thieves slipped with ease into a Norfolk Southern rail yard on Chicago's South Side and ripped locks off one train, they likely expected to see merchandise like toys or tennis shoes. What they beheld instead was a gangster's jackpot: box after box of brand new guns.

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