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Новости за 18.03.2017

Somalia blames Saudi-led coalition for deadly strike on boat

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Somalia's government on Saturday blamed the Saudi-led coalition for Friday's attack on a boat that killed at least 42 Somali refugees, calling the assault by a military vessel and a helicopter gunship "horrific."

Mar-a-Lago readied for president’s Marine One helicopter

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Marine One could make regular appearances in South Florida now that a landing pad has been completed at President Donald Trump’s winter White House, his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach. Instead of taking a motorcade from the airport — and tying up traffic — he can fly, though it’s not yet clear how often that will happen.

Trump's wiretapping claims should be taken seriously

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The current scandal surrounding President Donald Trump's tweeted accusations that his predecessor wiretapped Trump Tower is proof of what might be called the Salena Zito rule. Zito, of course, wrote the essay in the Atlantic how Trump's supporters took him "seriously, but not literally," whereas the press took him "literally, but not seriously."

Slammer sale: Closed prisons are a tough sell, states find

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Perched atop an Adirondack mountain, the 325-acre site for sale seems to have everything a developer could want: spectacular views, a man-made lake and close proximity to the tourist destination of Saratoga Springs. Oh, and former President Ulysses S. Grant lived out his final days in a home next door.

Neighbors, land trust pan plan to dredge river for Bath Iron Works

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A new proposal to conduct “emergency” Kennebec River channel dredging next month to allow a Bath Iron Works destroyer to depart has prompted those who work and live on the river to voice concerns about the impact and timing of the project.

Syrian rebels begin evacuation from besieged Homs

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Scores of Syrian opposition fighters and their families began leaving the last rebel-held neighborhood in the central city of Homs on Saturday as part of a Russian-backed evacuation deal signed earlier this week.

Man killed at Paris airport had criminal past, radical flags

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French soldiers shot and killed a man who wrestled a colleague to the ground Saturday and tried to steal her rifle at Paris' Orly Airport. The melee forced the airport's busy terminals to close and evacuate and trapped hundreds of passengers aboard flights that had just landed.

Turkey's president campaigns for referendum at war memorial

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Cheered by flag-waving supporters, Turkey's president turned a commemoration of a World War I campaign into a political rally on Saturday, slamming Europe and declaring that a constitutional referendum next month on whether to expand his powers will enhance Turkey's place in the world.

La. native saves unconscious veteran in flight

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A Houma, La., native made national news last week after he assisted in the resuscitation of a retired Air Force pilot during a flight from Atlanta to Houston.

Trump demands Germany pay for US protection

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President Donald Trump on Saturday demanded that Berlin increase financial support to pay for the “protection” the U.S. military provides NATO ally Germany.

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Air Force, goalie Starrett end Army’s hockey season

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As Army got better and better on offense in the third period of Friday's Atlantic Hockey semifinal playoff with Air Force, desperately seeking a tying goal in a 1-0 game, coach Brian Riley caught himself looking to the red goal light, waiting for a game-tying signal that never came.

WWII veteran claims local hospital has banned him

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A Purple Heart recipient and World War II POW who was rescued from Austria's Stalag-17 by Gen. George Patton claims he's being denied access to a local medical facility.

Veterans are putting roots down in Maine – as farmers

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Veterans are running a growing number of Maine’s small family farms — and they approach things a little differently than non-veteran farmers, shaped by their time in the military. But the lure of the land is just as strong for them as for other aspiring farmers. And Maine — with its affordable land prices and resources for new farmers — can be a great place for these veterans to get started.

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Московские школьники стали победителями всероссийской олимпиады по математике


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