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Новости за 09.03.2017

White House: Trump unaware of Flynn's foreign agent work

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President Donald Trump was not aware that his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, had worked to further the interests of the government of Turkey before appointing him, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Thursday.

NATO forces harmonize the big guns

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When two or more allied armies work together, synchronization is crucial if artillery is to have a maximum impact and if catastrophic friendly fire is to be avoided. That’s the focus of Exercise Dynamic Front, an exercise which began Feb. 26 and concluded Thursday involving more than 1,300 soldiers from nine NATO nations.

‘Ghost Recon: Wildlands’ offers solid co-op fun despite technical flaws

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“Ghost Recon: Wildlands” includes elements from the “The Division” and “Rainbow Six” and it offers the wide-open world packed with interesting people, locations and missions of “Far Cry.” But it seems that the only thing that comes from previous editions of “Ghost Recon” is the name.

Generals behaving badly, and a commander who cleared an adulterer's record

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Since last July, the cases of five high-ranking generals who have been dismissed for a variety of sex-related offenses have come to light, including the case of Maj. Gen. John Custer, who had substantiated claims of infidelity and harassment expunged from his record by his commanding officer, Gen. Martin Dempsey.

Report: Army brass, led by future JCS head Dempsey, gave amorous general a pass

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The Army inspector general was unsparing: The two-star general had an inappropriate relationship with a woman and lied to investigators about it, made his staff buy sexy clothing for her, subjected his underlings to racist and sexist emails and allowed himself to be photographed with another woman licking the medals on his formal dress uniform.

Border Patrol 'tunnel rats' plug underground passages

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They are known in the U.S. Border Patrol as "tunnel rats" — agents who go in clandestine passages that have proliferated on the U.S.-Mexico border over the past 20 years to smuggle drugs.

Health care politics now favors the Democrats

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The prospect of betraying white working-class voters — many of whom, whether they know it or not, benefit from Obamacare — doesn’t seem to weigh on the GOP congressional leadership. But it might bother the White House.

iPhones aren’t why the poor lack health care

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To believe that poverty is a result of immorality or irresponsibility helps people believe it can’t happen to them. But it can happen to them (and to me and to you).

VA plans to test several new ways to limit Choice plan costs

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VA Secretary David J. Shulkin used congressional testimony Tuesday and recent meetings with veterans’ service organizations to preview new steps the Department of Veterans Affairs might test for containing costs as it reforms the Choice program to smooth access to VA-paid private-sector health care.

Army touts added airpower for Europe mission

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The Fort Drum, N.Y.-based 10th Combat Aviation Brigade took control of the Army’s aviation mission in Europe Thursday, heading a headquarters here that will be responsible for deploying Chinooks, Black Hawks and Apache attack helicopters along NATO’s eastern flank.

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Potential Netanyahu heir promotes Gaza seaport

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Israel's powerful transportation and intelligence minister says he is pushing forward with a proposal to build an artificial island with a seaport off the coast of Hamas-ruled Gaza that he believes will alleviate hardship in the blockaded territory and offer residents their first real bridge to the outside world in a decade.

Air Force clears the air around WC-135 deployment

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The Air Force has dismissed suggestions that the deployment here of a specialized “nuke sniffer” plane had anything to do with speculation in the media about a test of a nuclear device in Russia, saying it was a routine mission planned long in advance.

WikiLeaks to help shield tech firms from CIA's hacking tools

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WikiLeaks will work with technology companies to help defend them against the CIA's hacking tools, founder Julian Assange said Thursday. The move sets up a potential conflict between Silicon Valley firms eager to protect their products and an intelligence agency stung by the radical transparency group's disclosures.

Frenchman accused of Morocco terror ties to remain jailed

Stars and Stripes 

A Moroccan appeals court has upheld the conviction of a Frenchman arrested in anti-terrorism raids, dismissing his claims that he signed a confession in Arabic that he could neither read nor understand.

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Спортсменка из Бутово выиграла «золото» на турнирах по художественной гимнастике


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Петербургский автопром вышел из кризиса, заявил Беглов

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Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Младшая дочь Оксаны Самойловой и Джигана пошутила, что их сын приемный — как отреагировала звездная мама: «Чисто классика»


Андрей Воробьев: «День добрых дел» объединил учащихся Подмосковья

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