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Новости за 22.03.2017

Mets move exhibition game against Army to Citi Field

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The Mets originally were scheduled to play the Black Knights at West Point on March 31. But the snowstorm that slammed the Northeast last week affected Army's diamond and forced the switch of fields.

Movies on base through March 29

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Times and dates for theaters in Belgium, England, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, The Netherlands and Spain and Turkey.

Chicago lawyer fights Army veteran's deportation order

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An order for removal was issued last week for Miguel Perez Jr., said his attorney, Chris Bergin. Without the court ruling in hand, Bergin filed an appeal to halt the deportation. "I have seen cases where ICE tries to remove before the 30 days," he said.

Lighter combat helmets in store for Army

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The helmet is just as strong as the previous model but uses Ultra-High-Molecular-Weight Polyethylene in its construction, a lighter material than synthetic fiber used in what is commonly referred to as Kevlar.

Trump feels 'somewhat' vindicated after Nunes intel briefing

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Communications of Donald Trump's transition officials - possibly including the incoming president himself - may have been scooped up in legal surveillance but then improperly distributed throughout the intelligence community, the chairman of the House intelligence committee said Wednesday.

London attacker born in Britain, previously investigated

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The man who mowed down pedestrians on a London bridge and fatally stabbed a police officer on Parliament's grounds was born in Britain and was known to intelligence services, the prime minister said Thursday.

5 dead in vehicle, knife attack at British Parliament

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A knife-wielding man went on a deadly rampage at the heart of Britain's seat of power Wednesday, plowing a car into pedestrians on London's Westminster Bridge before stabbing an armed police officer to death inside the gates of Parliament. Four people were killed, including the assailant, and about 20 others were injured in what Prime Minister Theresa May condemned as a "sick and depraved terrorist attack."

4 dead in vehicle, knife attack at British Parliament

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A knife-wielding man went on a deadly rampage at the heart of Britain's seat of power Wednesday, plowing a car into pedestrians on London's Westminster Bridge before stabbing an armed police officer to death inside the gates of Parliament. Four people were killed, including the assailant, and about 20 others were injured in what Prime Minister Theresa May condemned as a "sick and depraved terrorist attack."

London defiant as Islamic State claims attack by British ex-con, 52

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Authorities on Thursday identified a 52-year-old Briton as the man who mowed down pedestrians and stabbed a policeman to death outside Parliament in London, saying he had a long criminal record and once was investigated for extremism - but was not currently on a terrorism watch list.

Islamic State claims responsibility for London attack; UK PM defiant

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The Islamic State group claimed responsibility Thursday for an attack by a man who plowed an SUV into pedestrians on one of London's famous bridges and then stabbed a police officer to death at Britain's Parliament. In a somber but defiant statement, Britain's prime minister declared that "we are not afraid."

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First US aircraft carrier of Trump presidency enters Gulf

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American sailors watched as the first Revolutionary Guard vessels appeared on the horizon of the Strait of Hormuz, beginning a daylong face-off that has become familiar to both Iranian paramilitary and U.S. naval forces that pass through the narrow mouth of the Persian Gulf. But these routine, if tense encounters may soon grow even more perilous.

Police treating UK parliament attack as terror

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Britain's Parliament was on lockdown Wednesday after an assailant stabbed an officer, then was shot by police, officials said. London Police also said officers were called to an incident on Westminster Bridge nearby.

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Спортсменка из Бутово выиграла «золото» на турнирах по художественной гимнастике


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