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Новости за 07.03.2017

Daring nighttime raid turns to deadly trap in Mosul

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Hours after Mosul's municipal complex was declared liberated by the country's top military commanders and U.S.-led coalition officials, the wounded began pouring into a small frontline clinic just a few hundred meters away.

Fact Check: Trump's blame off base on Guantanamo

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President Donald Trump targeted the wrong president Tuesday when he criticized the Obama administration for releasing "122 vicious prisoners" from the Guantanamo Bay detention center who later resumed militant activities.

Aviators from Joint Base Lewis-McChord deploying to Afghanistan

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Some 800 aviation soldiers will soon leave Joint Base Lewis-McChord for Afghanistan where they will conduct helicopter-borne operations to assist and train Afghan security forces to help improve their fledgling helicopter force.

Fathers of 3 slain Green Berets: Jordanian soldier murdered our sons

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The fathers of three Green Berets killed in Jordan in November declared Tuesday that, in the wake of Army and FBI investigations, they believe their sons were murdered by a Jordanian soldier standing guard outside the air base where they were staying during their deployment.

Trump praises new health care bill as GOP tries to sell it

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President Donald Trump and his administration's top health official praised the new House Republican health care legislation Tuesday as the GOP embarked on a drive to sell the proposal to rank-and-file lawmakers and the public.

Senate panel gives nod to McMaster's 3-star status

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The Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday recommended that White House National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster should be allowed to continue serving in the position as an active-duty, three-star general.

WikiLeaks reveals CIA trove alleging wide-scale hacking

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WikiLeaks published thousands of documents Tuesday described as secret files about CIA hacking tools the government employs to break into users' computers, mobile phones and even smart TVs from companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft and Samsung.

'It's Marine Corps-wide': Female Marines detail harassment in wake of nude photos scandal

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Some female Marines were sent screenshots of nude and private pictures of themselves from concerned colleagues. A few would get texts from their friends alerting them to what was online. Others found vulgar messages from strangers in their inboxes. The red flags were different, but the revelation was the same: Their intimate photos had been shared online without their consent.

Kosovo's president asks for creation of a regular army

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Kosovo's president asked parliament on Tuesday to transform the country's lightly armed security forces into a regular army, a move immediately denounced by Serbian leaders who refuse to recognize Kosovo's independence.

Pakistan temporarily reopens its border with Afghanistan

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Thousands of stranded Afghans and Pakistanis returned home on Tuesday as Pakistan temporarily reopened two main crossings that had been closed last month after a wave of militant attacks, officials said.

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WikiLeaks publishes 1000s of what it says are CIA documents

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WikiLeaks has published thousands of documents that it says come from the CIA's Center for Cyber Intelligence, a dramatic release that appears to give an eye-opening look at the intimate details of the agency's cyberespionage effort.

Iraqi forces storm Mosul government complex, hoist flag

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U.S.-backed Iraqi forces were fighting their way through a government complex in the heart of western Mosul after storming the buildings in an overnight raid, and were facing fierce counterattacks Tuesday from the Islamic State group.

Thai military drops defamation case over torture report

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In a decision welcomed by rights groups, Thailand's military on Tuesday withdrew criminal complaints against three human rights activists who issued a report alleging torture by security forces in the country's insurgency-plagued south.

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