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Новости за 10.03.2017

Marines will probe nude-photo scandal; Mattis to discuss issue with all services

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A Marine Corps task force will investigate the nude-photo scandal and scrutinize internal cultural issues and policies that might have led some male servicemembers to share explicit images of female Marines on the Internet, Gen. Robert Neller, the service’s commandant, announced Friday.

Trump transition knew Flynn might register as foreign agent

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Lawyers for retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn told President Donald Trump's transition team that Flynn might need to register with the Justice Department as a foreign agent, according to a White House official and a person with direct knowledge of the discussions.

New proposal would restrict VA employees' union activity

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There’s a new effort in Congress to place restrictions on union activities for employees at the Department of Veterans Affairs, following scrutiny over the amount of time workers at the agency spend on union affairs.

The Trump-Putin jokes hit a nerve with GOP

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Despite its serious nature, the Trump-Putin relationship continues to provide comic fodder, on late-night TV and at events like Gridiron.

Pakistan assembly to legalize trials before military courts

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Pakistan's parliament is set to debate a bill next week that would legalize trials before military courts for another two years, a measure human rights activists say negates the basic principles of justice and denies those on trial the chance for a fair defense.

Movies on base through March 15

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Times and dates for theaters in Belgium, England, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, The Netherlands and Spain and Turkey.

Музыкальные новости
Александр Розенбаум

Александр Розенбаум рассказал о дополнительном источнике дохода: "Не бомжовые заведения"

Персональные новости

Студент БРХК Аюш Булчун стал лауреатом конкурса «Арабеск-2024»

Stealth is Islamic State's weapon against coalition's sophisticated tactics

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In areas the Islamic State group seized more than two years ago, houses have been tagged with graffiti symbols to indicate if the owner was Christian or Shiite or to claim the property for the Sunni extremist group. But in the al-Dandan neighborhood of Mosul, a red circle spray-painted near the front gate means the covered driveway could be used to hide a car bomb from overhead observation.

US troop increase in Syria could tangle troops in long, costly war

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Rolling around 200 Marines backed with howitzers into northern Syria, the United States is shifting from working quietly behind the scenes in Syria's conflict, turning instead toward overt displays of U.S. force in an attempt to shape the fight.

Report reveals details about SEAL unit punished for flying Trump flag

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The convoy commander noticed that the flag was getting a good deal of attention from civilian drivers, “some of which was negative attention,” according to the documents, but he felt it would be unsafe to pull over on the highway to remove it.

Спорт в России и мире

Московские школьники стали победителями всероссийской олимпиады по математике


Все новости спорта сегодня

Новости тенниса
Виктория Азаренко

Азаренко не смогла пробиться в 1/8 финала турнира в Мадриде, уступив Соррибес-Тормо


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Экология в России и мире

В Москве прошел ливень «летней интенсивности»

Путин в России и мире

Путин поздравил Леонида Рошаля с днем рождения

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Юрий Лоза

Юрий Лоза объяснил, почему Чулпан Хаматова критикует Россию


Титов сделал прогноз на дерби «Тоттенхэм» - «Арсенал»

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