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Новости за 15.03.2017

Trump's allies melting away on wiretapping claims

Stars and Stripes 

President Donald Trump's explosive allegation that Barack Obama wiretapped his New York skyscraper during the presidential campaign has left him increasingly isolated, with allies on Capitol Hill and within his own administration offering no evidence to back him up.

Pentagon: US, Russian forces in close proximity in Manbij

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U.S. and Russian forces have been flying their countries’ flags and communicating more frequently to avoid mishaps as they operate within viewing distance of each other in the Syrian city of Manbij, a defense spokesman said Wednesday.

House Republicans take their own path on Trump's border wall

Stars and Stripes 

President Donald Trump's promise to build a fortified barrier on the U.S.-Mexico border is about to hit a wall. Top Republicans in Congress are drafting a plan to use multiple approaches -- a wall in some areas, fencing in others, and more drones and Border Patrol agents.

Dad: American UN worker kidnapped in Congo strived for peace

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An American United Nations worker who was among six people kidnapped in the Democratic Republic of Congo was doing humanitarian work and has had some success in persuading militia leaders to give up child soldiers, his father said.

Wright-Patterson has 'urgent' blood shortage

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Wright-Patterson Medical Center has an “urgent” need for donors of O-positive and O-negative blood this week. Anyone with a Department of Defense ID card, including military, civil service, retirees, contractors and dependents, may donate blood.

Yelling ‘racist’ in a crowded nation

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I’m as happy as anyone to dismiss extremists of any sort as this -ist or that -phobe. But such labeling seems both facile and unproductive.

Fellow vets want Zinke to protect Bears Ears

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I hope that Zinke will not only keep existing national monuments on the books, but start conditioning his heart and soul to identify new places worthy of conservation through the Antiquities Act.

Students sing, play their way through DODEA honors music festival

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As a tuba player, Derek Hammond has learned to play loud without blasting notes. It’s a skill that Hammond, a sophomore at Vicenza High School, Italy, and his band mates are practicing this week as they prepare for a Thursday evening performance before family and friends — just a few days after meeting and first playing together.

Suicide bombers strike Syrian capital, killing at least 30

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Suicide bombers hit the main judicial building and a restaurant in Damascus on Wednesday, killing at least 30 people, according to state media, spreading fear across Syria's capital as the country's civil war enters its seventh year.

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Doctors 'sure' chemical weapons used near Mosul

Stars and Stripes 

Bullets zipped overhead and exploded bomb debris crashed down on the metal carport roof under which a team of U.S. medical volunteers were working last week, roughly a mile from the front lines.

Doctors '100 percent sure' chemical weapons used near Mosul

Stars and Stripes 

Bullets zipped overhead and exploded bomb debris crashed down on the metal carport roof under which a team of U.S. medical volunteers were working last week, roughly a mile from the front lines. But the sudden arrival of an unarmed civilian also posed a serious threat.

US charging Russian spies and criminal hackers in Yahoo intrusion

Stars and Stripes 

The Justice Department is set to announce Wednesday the indictments of two Russian spies and two criminal hackers in connection with the heist of 500 million Yahoo user accounts in 2014, marking the first U.S. criminal cyber charges ever against Russian government officials.

Спорт в России и мире

В Москве завершился Кубок России по спортивному программированию


Все новости спорта сегодня

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Елена Рыбакина

Елена Рыбакина рассказала о проблемах на турнире в Мадриде


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Экология в России и мире

Жёсткие экологические требования решат инновационные энерготехнологии

Путин в России и мире

Мария Захарова раскритиковала высказывание Нэнси Пелоси о Путине и протестах в США

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Дух разделения в Святой Руси, или Можно ли лишиться сана за отпевание Навального*

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Анастасия Ивлеева

Блогера Ивлееву оштрафовали на 50 тыс рублей за дискредитацию российской армии


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