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Новости за 17.03.2017

Trump, Merkel try to sidestep differences in first meeting

Stars and Stripes 

Though presenting a study in contrasts, President Donald Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel took a similar tack Friday in sidestepping differences after their first meeting at the White House. Trump asserted with a smile they had at least one thing in common: being wiretapped by the Obama administration.

We need to figure out who counts as an adult

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The fact that any age of maturity we choose will necessarily seem arbitrary shouldn’t blind us to the common-sense wisdom of having a uniform one.

Mildenhall airmen deploy in combat support of French forces

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A fourth contingent of U.S. airmen from the U.K.-based 100th Air Refueling Wing and 100th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron is deploying to Spain as part of Operation Juniper Micron, which supports French counterterrorism operations in sub-Saharan Africa.

Army to test Lockheed laser system that can zap drones

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Lockheed Martin said Thursday it has finished a 60-kilowatt laser system for the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command and is preparing to hand it over to the Army for further testing. The laser is what the company calls a "combined fiber" laser beam, bringing together individual lasers to form a single, stronger beam.

Forces Command names Grinston next command sergeant major

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Command Sgt. Maj. Michael A. Grinston has been selected to serve as the next command sergeant major for the U.S. Army Forces Command, which is charged with preparing U.S. troops for operations around the globe.

UN experts: 100,000 starve while South Sudan buys weapons

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U.N. experts say in a new report that South Sudan's government is spending at least half its budget on security and weapons while 100,000 people are dying of starvation as a result of famine caused mainly by an upsurge in government military operations.

Declassified nuclear test videos uploaded to YouTube

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On Monday, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, located in California, uploaded to YouTube more than 60 films taken during U.S. nuclear weapons tests between 1945 and 1962. During this time, experimental nukes were dropped from bombers or propelled by rockets to altitudes as high as space.

10 injured by volcanic explosion on Italy's Mount Etna

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The tourists, drawn to Etna to observe the spectacle of the active volcano erupting, were caught by surprise when its flowing magma hit thick snow, causing a phreatic explosion that rained rock and other material down upon them.

Syria fires missiles at Israeli jets after airstrikes

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Syria fired missiles at Israeli warplanes early Friday after a series of Israeli airstrikes inside Syria — a rare military exchange between the two hostile neighbors that was confirmed by both sides.

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Military attack kills 42 Somali refugees off Yemen's coast

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A military vessel and a helicopter gunship attacked a boat packed with Somali refugees off the coast of Yemen overnight Friday, killing at least 42 people, according to a U.N. agency, Yemeni officials and a survivor who witnessed the attack.

Democrats have an immigration problem

Stars and Stripes 

Democrats cannot win back the presidency without attracting people who disagree with some of their views. Doing that does not mean singing the same old songs louder and more clearly.

Спорт в России и мире

Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»


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