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Новости за 13.03.2017

Tillerson heads to Asia with North Korea tensions high

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Secretary of State Rex Tillerson plunges this week into the increasingly volatile situation in North Asia with visits to Japan, South Korea and China, the region's central players for dealing with North Korea's missile launches and nuclear tests. Complicating the mission are Chinese concerns about how the U.S. has responded so far.

Trumpcare: Is this what populism looks like?

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Can Trump succeed in remaking the Republican Party in his populist image? Or will the more traditional conservatives who lead the GOP majority in Congress domesticate the president and limit his agenda to the parts they like?

Top Saudi prince to meet Trump in White House visit

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The White House confirmed Monday that President Donald Trump will meet this week with Saudi Arabia's second-in-line to the throne in the highest-level visit to Washington by a Saudi royal since November's presidential election.

White House appears to soften Trump's claim on wiretapping

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The White House on Monday appeared to soften President Donald Trump's unproven assertion that his predecessor wiretapped his New York skyscraper during the election. The shift came as the Justice Department faced a deadline to provide lawmakers evidence to back up Trump's explosive claim.

In Afghanistan, a radio call-in show brings answers, comic relief

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The hour-long interactive call-in show, called "Cleaning Up the City," started 14 years ago as a sounding board and troubleshooting service for community issues, and it still performs that role, rotating among mundane daily themes such as education and utilities.

States seeking Trump travel ban block want new hearing

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California on Monday joined Washington state's growing effort to block President Donald Trump's revised travel ban targeting predominantly Muslim nations as Washington's attorney general sought a hearing before a federal judge to try to prevent the order from taking effect this week.

Scottish leader to seek second independence referendum

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Scottish leader Nicola Sturgeon announced Monday she will seek a new referendum on independence in a bold move of defiance even as British leaders forge ahead toward a full break from the European Union.

Prosecutor orders release of Egypt's ousted leader Mubarak

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Egypt's ousted president Hosni Mubarak was ordered to be freed from detention on Monday, according to the prosecutor who signed his release order. The decision ends nearly six years of legal proceedings against Mubarak and seems certain to revive the ongoing debate over whether the goals of the 2011 uprising that ended his reign were ever realized.

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София Ротару

Данил Барановский и внучка Софии Ротару

Персональные новости

Псковские волейболисты стали призерами международного турнира «Кубок дружбы»

Have 20 million gained coverage under ACA?

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There is no precise head count of how many people have gained coverage because of the law. And it is downright impossible to reliably estimate the number of people who might lose coverage if Congress repeals and replaces it.

DODEA schools get hiring freeze exemption

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The Department of Defense Education Activity plans to resume filling teaching and other staff vacancies at its schools, now that its request for an exemption from the federal civilian hiring freeze has been approved, school officials said Monday.

Poland confirms Minnesota man as Nazi commander

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Poland will seek the arrest and extradition of a Minnesota man after confirming he was a Nazi unit commander suspected of ordering the killing of 44 Poles during World War II, a prosecutor said Monday.

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Андрей Мидловец выиграл якутский финал на первенстве России


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Свёнтек разгромила Кырстю и вышла в 1/8 финала турнира WTA-1000 в Мадриде


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