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Новости за 08.03.2017

Pint-sized pup to patrol world's largest naval base in Norfolk

Stars and Stripes 

Puskos, a 15-pound Jagdterrier, is about a fifth the size of a typical military working dog at Naval Station Norfolk. His small stature allows him to fit into tight spaces aboard ships and submarines that would be difficult for a much larger dog.

Pentagon: Islamic State has lost access to Iraq’s oil

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The Islamic State group has lost almost all access to Iraqi oil, though the terrorist organization has thousands of fighters protecting its remaining oil-rich territory in Syria, a U.S. defense official said Wednesday.

Gay veterans: We've been denied spot in St. Patrick's parade

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A gay veterans group said Wednesday it has been denied permission to march in this year's Boston St. Patrick's Day parade just two years after organizers made the groundbreaking decision to allow gay groups to participate for the first time.

US says it has to see 'positive action' from N. Korea

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The United States must see "some sort of positive action" from North Korea before it can take Kim Jong Un's regime seriously and discuss ways to reduce tensions on the Korean peninsula, U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley said Wednesday.

Official: Couple hundred US Marines go into Syria

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Marines from an amphibious task force have left their ships in the Middle East and deployed to Syria, establishing an outpost from which they can fire artillery guns in support of the fight to take back the city of Raqqa from the Islamic State, defense officials said.

Marines have arrived in Syria to fire artillery in the fight for Raqqa

Stars and Stripes 

Marines from an amphibious task force have left their ships in the Middle East and deployed to Syria, establishing an outpost from which they can fire artillery guns in support of the fight to take back the city of Raqqa from the Islamic State, defense officials said.

FBI's Comey: 'You're stuck with me for another 6½ years'

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FBI Director James Comey says he plans to serve his entire 10-year term, even as controversy swirls over his attempt to rebut President Donald Trump's claim that the Obama administration tapped his phones during the election.

Jake Matkovich tall on potential as Air Force's next wide receiver

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"He's got a big chance, but he's got a lot to prove," offensive coordinator Mike Thiessen said of Jake Matkovich. He'll have to fend off challenges from Marcus Bennett, Cody Bronkar and current freshmen Geraud Sanders and Xavier Price.

908th Airlift Wing welcomes new leadership

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Col. Kenneth J. Ostrat took the reins of Alabama's only reserve unit. The position was left vacant after the former commander made a surprise announcement that he would be leaving the Air Force temporarily to spend more time with his family.

US general says Russia has deployed banned missile

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A senior U.S. general on Wednesday accused Russia of deploying a land-based cruise missile in violation of "the spirit and intent" of a nuclear arms treaty and charged that Moscow's intention is to threaten U.S. facilities in Europe and the NATO alliance.

US, Russia counter Erdogan in Syria as Kurds get shield

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The U.S. and Russia moved this week to block a threatened drive by Turkey to seize Manbij. A U.S. deployment and a Russian-brokered deal with Syrian forces created buffer zones that headed off any Turkish campaign against the Kurdish forces who hold the town.

What the CIA thinks of your antivirus program

Stars and Stripes 

The hackers are quoted taking potshots at antivirus firms, suggesting the American intelligence agencies are keenly aware of flaws in the products meant to be keeping us all safe online.

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Alleged Iranian spy goes on trial in Germany

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A 31-year-old Pakistani man went on trial Wednesday in Berlin on allegations he operated as a spy for Iran in Europe, collecting information on possible Israeli and Jewish targets for attack in Germany and France.

The harm in GOP’s health care bill

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Despite President Donald Trump’s stated goals of covering at least as many people as the ACA, with more-affordable policies, the plan put forward by the House on Monday would cut coverage for millions and make it more expensive for millions more.

Malaysia has more than 1 reason to challenge Kim

Stars and Stripes 

Malaysia’s aggressive response isn’t just about the assassination. Arguably, its roots trace back to the flurry of criticism roused by the government’s response to the loss of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, three years ago.

Romanian, US troops train together in NATO support operation

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Romanian and American troops are staging joint exercises as part of a New York-based Army brigade's nine-month deployment in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve, which aims to reassure NATO's European allies in light of Russia's invasion in Ukraine.

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