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Новости за 19.03.2017

Intel documents offer no evidence of spying on Trump Tower

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The top two lawmakers on the House intelligence committee said Sunday that documents the Justice Department and FBI delivered late last week offered no evidence that the Obama administration had wiretapped Trump Tower, but the panel's ranking Democrat says the material offers circumstantial evidence that American citizens colluded with Russians in Moscow's efforts to interfere in the presidential election.

Cookies tagalong with US troops

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Girl Scout cookie sellers know clients order with a strategy in mind, but the Allen sisters are giving their customers a new box to check — cookies for U.S. troops overseas.

2,600 suits donated to area veterans at Md. event

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Inside a storage facility at the Cromwell Business Park in Glen Burnie, Staff Sgt. Amanda Doria is wearing a black suit with subtle dark red pinstripes, a rarity for the 14-year U.S. Army veteran.

In a first, former CIA captive appeals Guantanamo trial to Supreme Court

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Lawyers for the man accused of orchestrating the USS Cole bombing have asked the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene in the military tribunal at Guantanamo using accounts of the captive’s CIA torture drawn from declassified documents and an interrogator’s recent memoirs.

Israel warns Syria after exchange of fire

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Israel has warned Syria not to fire at its jets when they carry out missions over its territory aimed at destroying weapons bound for the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.

Palestinians give award to UN official who condemned Israel

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The Palestinian president has awarded his people's highest honor to a former U.N. official who was forced to resign last week after authoring a report that accused Israel of establishing an "apartheid regime."

The battle to define an 'America First' foreign policy divides the Trump White House

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In his first budget blueprint and in speeches, Trump has preached "America First," an approach that involves bolstering U.S. military might, strengthening the country's borders and slashing foreign aid. In practice, though, Trump has pursued a foreign policy that looks a lot like that of his Republican internationalist predecessors.

Former dairy farmer leads Trump-Russia investigation

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As chairman of the House intelligence committee, which holds its first public hearing on Monday, Devin Nunes is at the helm of a probe of Moscow's meddling in the 2016 campaign and the murky web of contacts between President Donald Trump's campaign and Russia. It's a potentially sprawling enterprise that spans continents, plumbs spycraft and dominates international headlines.

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Q&A: What Trump and his supporters call the deep state

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For allies of Trump — aides, politicians and right-wing news sites — evidence exists of a “deep state,” a secretive, coordinated network inside the government dedicated to undermining the administration. But whether it goes beyond that is a topic of debate. Here’s some background on the deep state:

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