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Новости за 12.03.2017

With Flynn out as Trump adviser, Turkey still presses for cleric’s extradition from US

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He is the “head of a terrorist organization,” the “cult leader” of a movement that has infiltrated every part of the Turkish state. He’s the mastermind behind an attempted coup that left a nation in chaos and 250 people dead. But the United States, a close ally, refuses to hand him over. That, at least, is the view from Turkey.

Bashar al-Assad says relations between Syria and China are 'on the rise'

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In an interview with the private Chinese broadcaster Phoenix Television that aired this weekend, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad offered a warm description of his government's ties with Beijing - a relationship that he said was going to be "on the rise" because China was "a real friend" that could be relied upon.

Report: Serbia to get Russian jets before election

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Serbia's defense minister says that the country is expecting Russian President Vladimir Putin's approval for the delivery of fighter jets, which could worsen tensions with neighboring states.

In 1st budget, Trump to push conservative view of government

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President Donald Trump sends Congress a proposed budget this week that will sharply test Republicans' ability to keep long-standing promises to bolster the military, making politically painful cuts to a lengthy list of popular domestic programs.

Germany to deport alleged attacker to Tunisia

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A Tunisian man, who allegedly was involved in an attack on the Bardo National Museum that killed more than 20 people in Tunis in 2015, can be deported from Germany.

Who and why, twin mysteries behind leak of CIA's cybertools

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It's not just who did it, but why. Perhaps it was a U.S. spy or contractor who felt jilted. Maybe the CIA was exposed by a foreign country that wanted to embarrass U.S. intelligence. Could it have been a CIA insider worried about Americans' privacy rights? Some possible motives behind last week's disclosure:

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Putin spokesman: When will dialogue with US start?

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The spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin is expressing frustration with the inconclusive first two months of relations between Moscow and the Donald Trump administration.

WWII bomber pilot honored for clean flying record

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The Master Pilot award, considered the most prestigious FAA award, is awarded to pilots who "exhibited professionalism, skill and aviation expertise for at least 50 years while piloting aircraft," according to the FAA.

Proposed cuts could force Coast Guardsmen to do more with less

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President Donald Trump's administration proposed to cut the Coast Guard's $9.1 billion budget by 14 percent and use the funds to boost support for immigration enforcement, according to news reports and congressional sources.

USS Independence departure leaves big void

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The 58-year-old "Indy" will sail to International Shipbreaking in Brownsville, Texas, where the flattop will be dismantled like several before it. USS Constellation and USS Ranger are already being scrapped there.

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Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»


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Певица Анастасия Стоцкая появилась на публике в откровенном наряде


Школьники из Одинцова примут участие в акции «Летопись сердец»

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