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Новости за 29.09.2017

Zinke dismisses charter use as a 'little BS over travel'

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Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is dismissing controversy over his use of charter flights as "a little BS over travel," but says the American public has the right to know the costs of official travel.

US to Americans: Stay away from Cuba after health 'attacks'

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The United States issued an ominous warning to Americans on Friday to stay away from Cuba and ordered home more than half the U.S. diplomatic corps, acknowledging neither the Cubans nor America's FBI can figure out who or what is responsible for months of mysterious health ailments.

Puerto Rico angry at Trump official 'good-news story' remark

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President Donald Trump pledged to help Puerto Ricans recover basic necessities and security in Maria's ruinous aftermath as his homeland security chief tried to escape a tempest of her own making, set off when she called Washington's response to the hurricane a "good-news story."

Old military explosives found in yard of California home

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Authorities say a cache of old military-grade explosives — some apparently active and some inert — were found in the backyard of a Los Angeles-area home, prompting officials to evacuate part of the neighborhood.

Iraqi forces to take control of Kurdish regional borders

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Iraq's military was preparing to take control of the international borders of the northern Kurdish region as a flight ban halted all international flights from servicing the territory's airports on Friday.

US Air Force CY 17C colonel, lieutenant colonel and major promotions

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A list of 298 active-duty U.S Air Force officers who have been selected for promotion to colonel, lieutenant colonel and major during the calendar year 17C Colonel Line of the Air Force Judge Advocate, Lieutenant Colonel Nurse Corps and Major Chaplain, LAF-J and Nurse Corps central selection boards, as announced Sept. 29, 2017.

Planned HealthCare.gov outages this fall are comparable to 2016, HHS says

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The Health and Human Services Department came under fire last week after announcing that the website to buy coverage under the Affordable Care Act would be unavailable for 12 hours nearly every Sunday during this year's open enrollment season. The site is slated to be unavailable for a total of 60 hours, compared to 53.5 hours last year, between Nov. 1 and Dec. 15.

Movies on base through Oct. 4

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Times and dates for theaters in Belgium, England, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Turkey.

VA chief took in Wimbledon, river cruise on European work trip; wife's expenses covered

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Nearly three days into a trip to Europe in July, Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin had attended a Wimbledon championship tennis match, toured Westminster Abbey and taken a cruise on the Thames. Shulkin was in Europe for meetings with Danish and British officials about veterans' health issues. Yet he and his wife spent about half their time sightseeing.

Q&A: Bollywood star Ali Fazal carries a crowd-pleasing calling card

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In India, it’s rare for Ali Fazal to get through a meal at a restaurant without being approached by a fan. Though he’s had a girlfriend for years, he’s kept his relationship private, lest his many female admirers revolt. In other words: He’s kind of a big deal.

Trump promotes 'giant, beautiful, massive' tax plan

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President Donald Trump said Friday that the centerpiece of his plan to help American businesses and workers "thrive, compete and grow" is a "giant, beautiful, massive, the biggest ever in our country, tax cut."

Remains of WWII Marine from NYC being returned for burial

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Nancy Lewis never knew the uncle everyone called Joey, but the stories her grandmother would tell of the son who didn't return from World War II made it seem like he was still around. "She made him so real for us," Lewis, 73, said as she and other family members awaited the arrival at Kennedy Airport on Friday of a flight carrying the casket with the remains of Marine Corps Pvt. Joseph Carbone.

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Army back to square 1 – out to break 2-game skid

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Derailed by consecutive road losses to Ohio State and Tulane that have dropped its record to 2-2, Army hopes for a repeat performance of last year when Army slammed Texas-El Paso 66-14 for its third straight win in what became a turnaround 8-5 year for the academy.

Navy secretary: Collision review to include civilian input

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The review of deadly collisions involving two U.S. destroyers will include analysis of best practices outside the Navy, looking to private organizations as varied as British Petroleum and the Mayo Clinic, Navy Secretary Richard Spencer said.

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Полина Михайлова

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Концентрация песка в городском воздухе возвращается к обычным значениям

Путин в России и мире

Париж решил показать, что такое ядерное сдерживание России по-французски

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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"Цена взлетит в небо": эксперт объяснил, что стоит заранее купить россиянам

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